Rebate Claim Fields
ERP Cloud
Here is a description of the fields on the Rebate Claim object.
Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only
Applied Rebate Amount |
Total amount of rebate applied to the claim. |
Currency |
Currency of the rebate claim. |
Invoicing |
Lookup to the invoice to which the claim relates if there is one. |
Items |
Items on a rebate claim for a purchase order. |
Manufacturer |
Lookup to the manufacturer name. You can display this field on the Rebate Claims page by adding it to the Claim field set. |
Notes |
You can enter notes about the claim in this field. |
Purchase Order |
Lookup to the purchase order to which the rebate claim relates if there is one. |
Quantity Purchased |
Number of items purchased that count towards the total accumulated volume on an incentive rebate. The value of this field comes from the Quantity field of the related purchase order line item. This field is not used on reseller submitted rebates. |
Rebate |
Lookup to the rebate record to which the claim relates. |
Rebate Applied |
Lookup to the record that determines the rebate applied to a customer quotation line, sales order line item. |
Rebate Claim Name |
Id of the rebate claim. |
Rebate Name |
Lookup to the Rebate Promotion Name on the rebate to which this claim relates. |
Rebate Type |
The type of rebate being offered. This can be Customer Submitted, Manufacturer Direct, Reseller Submitted or Incentive:- Customer Submitted – a rebate that a customer applies for once they have purchased the product.
- Manufacturer Direct – a rebate that a customer receives from the reseller and that reseller receives an automatic rebate directly from the manufacturer without having to submit a claim.
- Reseller Submitted – a rebate a customer receives from the reseller and that reseller must apply for reimbursement from the manufacturer.
- Incentive – a rebate given to the reseller for achieving a goal such as achieving a certain volume of sales in a given time frame. This type of rebate is often tiered with variable incentives for escalating the volume of sales achieved.
Reimbursement Date |
Date on which the claim was reimbursed. |
Rejected Date |
Date on which the claim was rejected. |
Sales Order |
Lookup to the sales order to which the rebate claim relates if there is one. |
Status |
Status of the claim. This is the status in the Salesforce approval process that your administrator has chosen. This can be New, Submitted, Reimbursed, Rejected or Expired. |
Submitted Date |
Date on which the claim was submitted. |
Vendor Claim Number |
Claim number to track rebate claims. |