This section allows you to search for a particular rebate claim record based on the manufacturer the claim was submitted to, rebate, vendor claim number, item, serial number, rebate type, status or date range to which the rebate applies. Selects the rebate claim. Once you have selected one or more claims, you can mark them as reimbursed, submitted, rejected or you can export them to an Excel spreadsheet. Selects all rebate claims listed. Once you have selected one or more claims, you can mark them as reimbursed, submitted, rejected or you can export them to an Excel spreadsheet. Id of the rebate claim. Rebate to which the claim relates. Type of rebate to which the claim relates. This can be Incentive, Manufacturer Direct or Reseller Submitted. Type of rebate to which the claim relates. This can be Incentive, Manufacturer Direct or Reseller Submitted. Your administrator can add or remove columns from this table using the Rebate Claim UI Field set on the Rebate Claim object Amount of rebate applied to the claim Number of items the rebate is being claimed for Claim number from the manufacturer Date on which the claim was submitted Date on which the claim was reimbursed Status of the rebate claim Marks the selected rebate claims as reimbursed Marks the selected rebate claims as submitted Marks the selected rebate claims as rejected Exports the selected rebate claims to an Excel spreadsheet Filters the list of rebates claims based on the criteria you enter Clears the search criteria and redisplays rebate claims Displays the Selected Lines popup where you can view the selected rebate lines

Rebate Claims

ERP Cloud

Rebate claims are used to record and track claims that you send to the manufacturer for reimbursement. These are used for Reseller Submitted rebates. Rebate claims are created when all items on a sales order are shipped. You can track Rebate claims on the Rebate Claims tab. The columns shown on this tab are determined by the fields that your administrator has chosen in the Rebate Claims UI field set in the Rebate Claims object.


Customer submitted rebates are not listed because the customer is to submit their claim for a rebate directly to the manufacturer using the details provided in the Additional Information fields of the rebate. If there are more than 500 rebate claim records to display, these are listed on separate pages. When this is the case, you can select a page number to view a page of results.