User Field Set Preference Fields

ERP Cloud

For Certinia internal use only. The fields on the User Field Set Preference object enable you to set preferences for the fields on the Quotation Lines Grid.

Here is a description of the fields on the User Field Set Preference object.

User Field Set Preference Fields



Can Sort Field Sorts the field in ascending or descending order.
Do Not Automatically Update Price If selected, no customer price is updated automatically with the internal sell price.
Field Display Order The order in which the field is displayed on the Lightning page.
Field Label Unique label for the field from the field set.
Field Record Label Unique label for field record.
Field Set Type The type of the field set.
Field Type The type of field.
Locked Locks or freezes the field when moved to the left section on the Quotation Lines Grid.
Required Field If selected, the field status is marked as required.
User Owner of the User Field Set Preference record.