Managing Version Capture Configuration

You can customize which objects and fields you want to copy when you capture new versions of your project. To create a custom version object, or modify a standard object as described in Viewing the Standard Comparison Overview, see Versioning Custom Objects.


You must have all permissions to modify objects.

You need full CRUD permissions and FLS read and write access to modify Version Config Fields.

On the Capture Configuration tab, you can:

  • View a list of version capture configurations.
  • Sort column entries alphanumerically in ascending or descending order.
  • Move columns to rearrange the display.
  • Set a custom Version Config as the default when you create Project Versioning and Baselines.
  • Create a new version config and add or remove the objects and fields that you want to capture.
  • Edit the summary data on a capture configuration (unique name, whether it's active or not, description).
  • Delete version configs.

Viewing Version Configurations

  1. On your project, from the Managed Versions related list, click Compare Version.
  2. Click Setup on the Compare Versions page.
  3. Click the Capture Configuration tab.
  4. View the list of Version Configs.

Sorting Column Entries

To sort column entries in ascending or descending order:

  1. In the Name or Modified column header, select the appropriate arrow indicator.
  2. Select Sort Ascending to sort the column in alphanumeric ascending order or select Sort Descending to sort the column in alphanumeric descending order.

Moving Columns

To move a column, click and drag the column that you want to move.

Setting a Version Configuration as the Default

The standard capture configuration is automatically set as the default to capture baselines and versions. The active version config also sets which objects and fields are viewed in the Compare Versions page.

To set a custom version config as the default and override the standard version config:

  1. Select a record on the Capture Configuration tab.
  2. Select the Active checkbox.
  3. Click Save.

Creating a Version Config

Create and save a custom version capture configuration before you configure the object and fields you want to capture. When you first create a custom version config, it is an exact copy of the standard version config.

To create a version configuration:

  1. Click Setup on the Compare Versions page.
  2. Click the Capture Configuration tab.
  3. Click Add Config.
  4. Complete the fields as described in Create Version Capture Configuration Fields.
  5. Click Save.

Configuring the Objects and Fields to Capture

You can configure the objects and fields you want to capture in your capture configs. You can validate your configs whenever you want to. You can save without validating. However, saving does not perform validation on your capture configs.

To configure the objects and fields to capture:

  1. Select a capture version configuration in the Managing Version Capture Configuration screen and click Configure.
  2. Select and map your objects as described in Configure Version Capture Configuration Object Fields.
  3. Select and map your fields as described in Configure Version Capture Configuration Fields.
  4. [Optional] Click Validate to check for errors in your config as described in Validation Results Popup Fields. Review any messages. Click Close and resolve the issues that failed validation.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting a Version Configuration


Before you delete captured configurations held against versions of live projects, we recommend that you confirm the potential impact.

When you delete the active custom capture configuration, the standard capture configuration is automatically set as the default to capture baselines and versions. For information about the objects and fields captured by the standard configuration, see Viewing the Standard Comparison Overview.

To delete a version configuration:

  1. Click Setup on the Compare Versions page.
  2. Click the Capture Configuration tab.
  3. Select the version config records you do not want to retain.
  4. Click Delete Selected.
  5. Click Continue to confirm the deletion.

Testing Your Capture Configuration

We recommend the following to test your capture configuration:

  • Ensure the page layout of your version object contains the related list for your new custom version item object.
  • Validate the capture configuration prior to setting it to active. This may help to identify issues that you can amend in the capture configuration. An active capture configuration with invalid or incorrect setup may not correctly capture the expected version details.
  • Create a new version using the latest capture configuration. On your project, in the Managed Versions related list, click New Project Version. Add a name and click Create. When the new version is processed and its status is ready, return to the project, and click the newly created version in the Managed Versions related list.


Do the following if you cannot see custom objects and fields being captured:

  • Confirm that the set up for the capture configuration is correct.
  • Check to see if there are corresponding errors.
  • Run a report if you have set up a new report type for the version item, and find the corresponding information under the report type.
  • Confirm that your set up for the version item object is correct.