Customizing the Project Versioning Quick Help Static Resource


Editing the static resource for the Project Versioning Quick Introduction requires familiarity with Salesforce Static Resources. For more information on Static Resources, see "Using Static Resources" in the Salesforce Help.

If you want to replace our Quick Help Static Resource images with your own, we recommend you rename the image files to prevent caching issues.

To customize the Project Versioning Quick Introduction.

  1. In your organization, go to Settings.
  2. Go to Static Resources.
  3. Select ViewProjectVersionQuickHelp.
  4. Click View File.
  5. Download and unzip the file.

Adding Pages to the ViewProjectVersionQuickHelp Static Resource

  1. Using a text editor of your choice, edit the manifest.js file from the ViewProjectVersionQuickHelp static resource.
  2. Add and define pageId and pageContent properties for each new page. For more information, see manifest.js File Properties.
  3. Save your changes.

Editing Content in the ViewProjectVersionQuickHelp Static Resource

  1. Using a text editor of your choice, edit the manifest.js file from the ViewProjectVersionQuickHelp static resource.
  2. Edit the appropriate "content" tagged entries in the pageContent properties. For more information, see manifest.js File Properties.
  3. Save your changes.

Uploading your Customized Static Resource

  1. Compress the directory containing your images and the modified manifest.js file into a zip file.
    If you compress the directory on Mac OSX using the compress option in Finder, the generated zip file format is incompatible with Salesforce. Use ant or WinZip as alternatives.
  2. In your org, go to Settings.
  3. Select Static Resources.
  4. Select New.
  5. Name your modified Quick Introduction static resource.
  6. Upload the zip file.
  7. Save.
  8. Update the View Project Version Quick Help Resource setting in Project Versioning Global custom setting.