Version Item Assignment Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the Version Item Assignment object.

R – Read-only

Field   Description
Assignment Name R The assignment name on the project referenced in the project version.
Assignment Number R The number of the assignment referenced in the project version.
Bill Rate R The bill rate on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Billable R The billable indicator on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Cost Rate R The cost rate on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Cost Rate Amount R The cost rate amount on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Cost Rate Currency Code R The cost rate currency code on the assignment referenced in the project version.
End Date R The end date for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Location R The location associated with the assignment referenced in the version.
Milestone Id R The ID of the milestone associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Milestone Name R The name of the milestone associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Created By Name R The original created by name for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Created Date R The original created date for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Id R The original ID of the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Last Modified By Id R The original last modified by ID for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Last Modified By Name R The original last modified by name for the project referenced in the project version.
Original Last Modified Date R The original last modified date for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Owner Id R The original owner ID for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Original Owner Name R The original owner name for the assignment referenced in the project version.
Percentage Allocated R The percentage allocated in the assignment referenced in the project version.
Project Task Hours R The project task hours for the assignment referenced in the version.
Rate Card Id R The ID of the rate card associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Rate Card Name R The name of the rate card associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Resource R The resource associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Resource Id R The resource ID on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Resource Name R The name of the resource associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Resource Request Id R The ID of the resource request associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Resource Request Name R The name of the resource request associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Role R The role associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Schedule Id R The ID of the schedule associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Schedule Name R The name of the schedule associated with the assignment referenced in the project version.
Scheduled Hours R The scheduled hours on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Start Date R The start date of the assignment referenced in the project version.
Status R The status on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Time Credited R The time credited on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Time Excluded R The time excluded on the assignment referenced in the project version.
Version R A lookup to the project version.