Generating a Time Variance Calculation

Professional Services Cloud

To calculate time variance in Lightning:

  1. Navigate to the region, practice, or group that you want to calculate time variance for.
  2. Enter a name for the time variance calculation.
  3. [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice or group's children.
  4. Select the end date of the relevant week.
  5. Click Calculate.
You can recalculate or update the already calculated time variance for the same Region, Practice, Group, or week. The existing time variance detail record is deleted if the variance hours are zero and if not, it is updated with the latest variance hours and time variance calculation.

You can schedule time variance calculation from PSA Scheduled Actions on the PSA Administration page. For more information, see PSA Administration.

To schedule generation of a time varianceClosed calculation, set up an Apex job to run at a regular interval:

  1. Display a regionClosed, practiceClosed, or groupClosed and click Calculate Time Variance.
  2. Enter a Time Variance Calculation Name.
  3. [Optional] Select the Include Sublevels checkbox to include the region, practice, or group's children.
  4. Set the schedule date, time, and frequency.
  5. Complete the fields in the Schedule section. See Generate Time Variance Fields.
  6. Click Schedule.
To monitor the newly scheduled job: enter Jobs in the Quick Find box, then select Scheduled Jobs.

Viewing Time Variance Calculation Details

You can view a calculation record of time variance for your region, practice, or group pages. To view Time variance Calculation Details, add the Time Variance Detail related list to the page layout for the region, practice, or group.

See Time Variance Detail Fields for fields to display in the Time Variance Detail page.

Excluding Resources from Time Variance Calculations

You can modify the Contact page layout to offer an Exclude From Time Variance Calculations field. Select this field to exclude the resource from time variance calculations.