Allocation Fields

The Allocation object includes the following fields.

Key: * – Mandatory field; L – Lightning only

Field   Description
Allocation Method   The allocation method used to create the allocation. This field must match the selected template record type.
Allocation Template   The allocation template used for creating the allocation.
Apex Job Id   The Apex job ID of the batch job for allocation process.
Batch Process   For internal use only.
Company   The company for allocation.
Credit L The sum of the credit values of all the allocated transaction line items. This field is read only.
Date From L The starting date for retrieving the transaction lines according to the source criteria defined for the allocation.
Date To L The date until when the transaction lines according to the defined source criteria for the allocation are retrieved.
Debit L The sum of the debit values of all the allocated transaction line items. This field is read only.
Description   The description for the allocation.
Notification Type   The type of notification sent when the process is complete. For example, email or bell notification.
Output   The type of output created once the allocation is complete. By default Journals is selected. This field must match the one in the allocation template selected.
Period From L The period from when the transaction lines according to the source criteria defined for the allocation are retrieved.
Period To L The period until when the transaction lines according to the source criteria defined for the allocation are retrieved.
Posting Date   The date that will be displayed on the generated transactions or journals after running the allocation process. By default, the value is the current date.
Posting Period   The period that will be displayed on the generated transactions or journals after running the allocation process. By default, the value is the current period.

The status of the allocation. The following statuses are available:

  • New: When the allocation is created.
  • Processing: When the allocation process is started and is in progress.
  • Error: When the allocation process is finished with errors.
  • Complete: When the allocation process is finished without any errors.
Total Number of Aborts   Display the relevant details after the async allocation process completes.
Total Number of Errors  
Total Number of External  
Total Number of Logs  


The following buttons are available in Lightning.

Button   Description
Allocate   Allocates the allocation according to the defined criteria.
Edit   Edits the allocation record.


Here is a description of the interface elements on the Allocation pages in Sencha.

Allocation Template Bar

Element Description
Select Template Enables you to select from the list of existing allocation templates you can load. Disabled in Proportional Allocations.
Load Loads filter and distribution criteria from the selected allocation templateClosed Used to store the details entered during the allocation process, such as the filter structure of the source data, allocation rules used, and distribution details. Dates, periods, and specific amounts are not stored.. Disabled in Proportional Allocations.
Save Saves the current allocation details as an allocation template. Disabled in Proportional Allocations.
Opens the related Accounting Help topic.
Maximizes or restores the page in your browser window.
We recommend that you maximize the Allocation pages to make it as easy as possible to see all the details.


Button Description
Back Return to the previous step in the allocation process.
Next Continue to the next step in the allocation process.
Create Create the allocations now.

Retrieve Source

Method of Allocation

Proportional Basis Configuration

Statistical Basis Configuration

