Allocation Basis Version Fields

The Allocation Basis Version object includes the following fields.


Key: L - Lightning only




Allocation Basis Name   80 Unique name of the allocation basis. It cannot be edited once the basis is saved.

The company for the allocation basis set in the Criteria tab.

Date     The date when the allocation basis version was created.
Description   255 The description of the allocation basis in the Details tab.
Include Disabled Dimensions L   When selected, the disabled dimensions are included in the drop-down list of the dimension fields in the Criteria tab of the allocation basis record.
Parent Version     The parent version of the version record.
Period     Accounting period you want to retrieve data from for the selected company.
Record Type L   The record type of the allocation basis for which the version is created.
Unit of Measure     Displays the unit of measure selected for the allocation basis. The following options are available: "People" or "Square Feet".
Version     The allocation basis version number.