Setting up the Envestnet Bank Integration

ERP Cloud

To set up the Envestnet bank integration, you must complete the following tasks:

  • Set up the remote site settings
  • Specify the maximum number of line items for the statement import process in Custom Settings
  • Customize the Bank Account Connections page layout
  • Customize the Bank Account page layout
  • Customize the External Source picklist
  • Create a dedicated Envestnet integration user
  • Specify recipients of Import Statements Schedule notification emails

You must be signed in with administrator permissions to perform these tasks.

The following instructions refer to setting up your production environment. If you want to configure a sandbox environment, see Additional Considerations for Sandbox Environments.


The following protected custom settings control your access to Envestnet and your environments, and must be configured by Certinia Support:

  • Envestnet Configuration Settings
  • Envestnet Environment Settings

When configuring these settings, Certinia Support will create and share a unique Envestnet ID with you. We recommend recording and retaining this ID because Certinia Support will need it to raise a support case with Envestnet if any issues with the Envestnet bank integration occur.

Remote Site Settings

The EnvestnetEnvironment remote site setting is included in the package to allow the Envestnet URL. It must be set to:

  • For production environments: This is the default value in the released package.
  • For sandbox environments:

Check that the remote site setting required for the Envestnet bank integration has been set up correctly during installation. To do this:

  1. Click Setup | Remote Site Settings.
  2. Locate the EnvestnetEnvironment remote site setting and check that the Remote Site URL is set to:
    • For production environments:
    • For sandbox environments:

If the EnvestnetEnvironment remote site has not been created, you can create it manually. Ensure that you set the Remote Site URL to for production environments. For more information, see "Configuring Remote Site Settings" in the Salesforce Help.

Specifying the Maximum Number of Line Items for the Statement Import Process

The statement import process is controlled by the Maximum Bank Reconciliation Transactions field in the Accounting Settings custom setting. This field ensures that the volume of bank statement line items does not exceed the number that can be displayed on the bank statement reconciliation page. If the maximum value is exceeded then multiple statements are created and the statement reference will have a numerical suffix applied. These must be reconciled in sequence starting with the lowest number.

To configure the maximum number of line items for the statement import process:

  1. Go to Setup | Develop | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to Accounting Settings, then click Edit.
  3. Set the Maximum Bank Reconciliation Transactions value to the number of lines you want to include in a statement.
  4. Click Save.

For more information, see Accounting Settings.

Customizing the Bank Account Connections Page Layout

You must add the Currency field to the page layout for the Bank Account Connection custom object. Validation will ensure you enter a valid currency for any bank account you connect to through Envestnet.

To customize the Bank Account Connection Layout:

  1. From Setup, click Object Manager.
  2. Click Bank Account Connection.
  3. Click Page Layouts and select Bank Account Connection Layout.
  4. Drag the Currency field to the Connected Bank Account section of the page layout.
  5. Click Save.

Customizing the Bank Account Page Layout

You must add the Import Statements button to the layout for the Bank Account custom object.

To add the Import Statements button to the layout:

  1. From Setup, click Object Manager.
  2. Click Bank Account.
  3. Click Page Layouts and select Bank Layout.
  4. Click Mobile & Lightning Actions.
  5. Drag the Import Statements button from the Mobile & Lightning Actions section of the palette and drop it in the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section of the page layout.
  6. Click Save.

Customizing the External Source Picklist

If you have upgraded Accounting to Spring 2024 or later, you might need to add the Envestnet value to the External Source picklist in the Bank Account Connection object.

To add the Envestnet value to the External Source picklist:

  1. From Setup, click Object Manager.
  2. Click Bank Account Connection.
  3. Click Fields & Relationships.
  4. Click External Source.
  5. Click New in the Values section.
  6. Enter Envestnet.
  7. Click Save.

Setting up Users

You must create a dedicated Envestnet integration user with an Accounting license and access to all companies. This user is required to connect to bank accounts through Envestnet and must not be used for anything else. You must also assign additional permission sets to the Accounting users who need to use the functionality made available by the Envestnet bank integration.

To create a dedicated Envestnet Integration user:

  1. Create a user record for the Envestnet integration user. This must be a standard Salesforce user.
  2. Assign the following permission sets to the new user:
    • Accounting - Bank Connections - Manage Connections
    • Accounting - Bank Statement - Read Access

Assign the following permission sets to any Accounting users who need access to bank accounts connected through Envestnet, or need to import statements via the Envestnet bank integration.

To set up standard Accounting users:

  1. Log in as the administrator.
  2. Assign the following permission sets to the standard users:
    • Accounting - Bank Connections - Link Bank Account
    • Accounting - Bank Statement - Import
    • Accounting - Bank Account - Read Access

The existing Accounting - Bank Statement - Import permission set has been updated to include Read access to the Bank Account Connection object. If you have cloned this permission set, you will need to update your cloned version to include this additional permission.

Specifying Recipients of Import Statements Schedule Notification Emails

You must specify the email addresses for the recipients who will receive Import Statements Schedule notification emails.

To specify the addresses for the notification emails:

  1. Go to Setup | Develop | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to Accounting Settings, then click Edit.
  3. In the Import Statements Email Recipients field, specify the email addresses for the recipients who will receive Import Statements Schedule notification emails, separated by either commas or semicolons.
  4. Click Save.

For more information, see Accounting Settings.

Additional Considerations for Sandbox Environments

If you want to configure a sandbox environment for testing, you must ensure that the following are correctly configured:

  • Protected Custom Settings
  • Remote Site Setting

Protected Custom Settings

The following settings must be configured by Certinia Support for your sandbox environment:

  • Envestnet Configuration Settings
  • Envestnet Environment Settings

Remote Site Setting

The remote site setting EnvestnetEnvironment is included in the package to allow the Envestnet URL. For sandbox environments, it must be set to

Rotating Access Tokens

The Envestnet bank integration does not require rotating access tokens.