Bank Account Connection Fields

ERP Cloud

Here is a description of the fields that make up a bank account connection. Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

Key: R – Read-only



Bank Account     Lookup to the bank account in Accounting.
Bank Account Connection Name R   The name of the bank account connection. This is system-generated and takes the format "BAC-000000023".
Bank Account ID     The bank account ID provided by the bank or other financial institution.
Bank Account Number     The bank account number provided by the bank or other financial institution.
Bank Account Sub Type     The bank account sub type provided by the bank or other financial institution.
Bank Account Type     The bank account type provided by the bank or other financial institution.
Connected Bank Account     The bank account name provided by the bank or other financial institution.
Currency     The code of the accounting currency used by this bank account.
External Source    

Name of the process that links the bank account to Accounting. The available options are:

  • Envestnet
  • Plaid
Institution ID     The unique ID provided by the bank or other financial institution.
Institution Name     The name of the external bank or other financial institution.
Is Obsolete R   For system use. Indicates that this bank account connection is no longer used.
Opening Balance     Opening balance for the first bank statement to be created when transactions are imported for this bank account.
Statement Start Date     Start date of the first bank statement to be created when transactions are imported for this bank account.


The following buttons might be available on the bank account connections detail page.

If you cannot see these buttons on the detail page, contact your Salesforce administrator.

Button Description
Deprecated: Remove Bank Connection This button is obsolete. To remove a bank connection from a Lightning page, you must add the Remove Bank Connection button to the page.
Remove Bank Connection Removes a bank connection.