Updating Expired Contracts

This Feature Console page allows you to make custom fields editable on expired contracts. Billing Central's own fields on expired contracts cannot be edited even when this feature is enabled.

This feature has one manual step advising you to create custom validation rules if you want to prevent some custom fields from being editable once this feature is enabled. See “Applying Custom Validation Rules” below for some examples.

When your custom validation rules are in place, click Mark As Done to mark the step as complete.

Then use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Applying Custom Validation Rules

If you want to prevent some custom fields from being editable when this feature is enabled, we recommend you add your own custom validation rules before enabling the feature. The table below illustrates some example validation rules. For information about how to set up your own validation rules, see the Salesforce Help.

Example Validation Rule




ISPICKVAL(ffbc__Status__c , 'Expired')


This validation rule on the Billing Contract object will prevent the Custom_Reporting_Code__c field from being edited (at contract header level) on expired contracts.



ISPICKVAL(ffbc__Contract__r.ffbc__Status__c, 'Expired')


This validation rule on the Billing Contract Line Item object will prevent the Custom_Reporting_Code__c field from being edited (at contract line level) on expired contracts.