Setting up the Opportunity To Contract Feature

Use the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature in Feature Console to configure your opportunity to contract process. This topic summarizes the setup process, including background information about the actions.

For introductory information, see Opportunities.

For information about using Feature Console, see Feature Console and Enabling and Disabling Features.


Although all steps have a Revert link, you cannot revert all the steps. This table describes when any Revert action is taken.

Step Action Step Type Mandatory or Optional Manual or Automatic Notes
1. Ensure that the "CPQ" feature is disabled in Feature Console Information Mandatory Manual You must disable the CPQ feature (BC Order to Contract Integration) if you intend to use the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature. You cannot use both integrations in your org.
2. Add "Existing Customer - Renewal" to the picklist values for field Opportunity.Type Add picklist value Optional Automatic Perform this step if you are using the Billing Central default configuration. This value enables you to automatically create a renewal contract when the BC Opportunity to Contract Integration feature is enabled in Feature Console.
3. Configure custom metadata type Opportunity to Contract Configuration Information Optional Manual Perform this step if you are not using the Billing Central default configuration. For details of the default configuration and the process setup, see Setting up Opportunity to Contract Process Configuration. Also see Opportunity to Contract Process Configuration Fields.
4. To distinguish between mappings in a list view, add a new BC Field Mapping custom metadata type list view Information Optional Manual This enables you to view a detailed list of field mappings. See Setting up Field Mapping.
5. Configure custom metadata type BC Field Mapping Information Optional Manual See Setting up Field Mapping.
6. Add Billing Central fields and the Add Plan Lightning action to your Opportunity page layouts Information Optional Manual Perform this step if you are using the Billing Central default configuration. Add the fields that you need. For more information, see the Salesforce help on customizing page layouts and adding Lightning actions to page layouts.
7. Add Billing Central fields to your Opportunity Product page layouts Information Optional Manual Perform this step if you are using the Billing Central default configuration. Add the fields that you need. For more information see the Salesforce help on customizing page layouts.
8. Add Opportunity related list to Billing Central Contract page layout Page layout Optional Automatic This step adds a related list to the Billing Central Contract page layout. You must manually add this related list to any custom Contract layouts. For more information see the Salesforce help on customizing page layouts.
9. Set the defaults for the BC Opportunity to Contract Settings custom setting Custom setting Mandatory Automatic If you click Revert, the values for all fields in the BC Opportunity to Contract Settings revert to "null".
10. Specify plugin in custom settings Information Optional Manual See About the Opportunity to Contract Plugin.