
  • A third party logistics provider who manages order fulfillment.
  • A list of one or more active companies to which a user has access.
  • In this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. Certinia accounts can be any Account Record Type.
  • The trading currency set on the account.
  • PSA – Accounting Connector connects PSA with Accounting. The connector enables you to seamlessly create Accounting records from PSA records and vice-versa. That way you can avoid entering duplicate data in the two systems.
  • A combination of up to six elements: a general ledger account, a single entity and up to four analysis dimensions, as recorded on a specific transaction line item.
  • The currency in which your company does business. A company can have more than one accounting currency.
  • Enables you to inquire on Reporting data and any other data held on the Salesforce platform. Uses dataviews, related content panes, and inquiry templates.
  • Specifies the dataview that you are inquiring on.
  • The currencies in which your Salesforce CRM organization does business. Sometimes called "organization" or "org" currencies.
  • Indicates that the status of the Asset is Active and that depreciation schedules have been exported to the financial accounting system or the export is pending.
  • EvA Actual Hours
  • Totals for a given time period.
  • Refers to the original revenue recognition process where staging data is generated for source records. The Recognize Revenue page and Recognize All use this process.
  • Annual Contract Value
  • An app that can be integrated with Microsoft software. Certinia XL Plus is an example of an add-in.
  • Used for book-specific adjustments, which are necessary to comply with different accounting standards.
  • One or more individuals in your organization who can configure and customize the application. Users assigned the System Administrator profile have administrator privileges.
  • An amount owing to a vendor viewed acccording to the number of periods since it has become due or until it will become due, usually increments of 30 days.
  • An amount owed by a customer that is current or overdue by one or more given periods, usually increments of 30 days.
  • A contract line item that has been aligned to another (controlling) line item on the same contract for billing purposes.
  • The process of splitting costs and revenue from selected GLAs and dimensions and distributing them to other GLAs and dimensions. This can be done within a single company or across multiple companies.
  • Stores distribution criteria for reuse and helps speed up the process of splitting costs and revenue from selected GLAs and dimensions, and allocating them to other GLAs and dimensions. Fixed allocation rules use set percentages or amounts as the basis for an allocation. Statistical allocation rules use sets of values that may vary as the basis for an allocation.
  • Used to store the details entered during the allocation process, such as the filter structure of the source data, allocation rules used, and distribution details. Dates, periods, and specific amounts are not stored.
  • Custom objects that allow you to analyze the activity in your business in additional ways, such as by cost center, project, employee, or any other business entity important to you.
  • Accounts Payable
  • An Accounts Payable voucher is used to control payments to suppliers and service providers.
  • Salesforce's object-oriented, on-demand programming language.
  • Application Programming Interface
  • The name of a package that makes up PSA
  • Automated Services Manager Triggers. ASM triggers execute certain behavior in PSA. ASM triggers are controlled by the fields in the Triggers custom setting and the configuration options in the ASM configuration group.
  • Application Server Provider. An application server provider hosts an application and customers access it on their servers. The customers don't actually receive anything, they are accessing the application via the world wide web.
  • The Asperato Integration is now know as Asperato Connector.
  • Connection between a resource and a project.
  • The general ledger account used when performing cash matching to a specific GLA. The default auxiliary GLA can be set on each accounting company record.
  • Reports that are in your personal folder in your organization. You can choose to connect to these reports.
  • An external tax calculation service.
  • Automatic synchronization of the PSA Expenses app with PSA. This occurs every 15 minutes while the app is in online mode.
  • Revenue that is expected from projects over a period of time for a region, practice or group.
  • Backorders are created when a sales order is approved and the order cannot be fulfilled because there is no inventory available for one or more items on the sales order. A backorder is also created when an item on a sales order is a manufactured kit and requires a production activity to be carried out on it to turn it into the finished product.
  • Also known as a statement of financial position.
  • The process of comparing and matching transaction values against those shown on a bank statement in order to uncover any possible discrepancies.
  • Custom object used when importing bank statement details to your organization. Contains field/column mappings, and date and monetary value formats.
  • A static data capture of the original or re-planned project against which changes are compared.
  • Blind Carbon Copy. A means of sending an email to several people and concealing the list of recipients of that email.
  • Billing Document Line Item
  • Abbreviation of billing event.
  • Abbreviation of billing event batch.
  • Abbreviation of billing event item.
  • Bill of Material. The items that make up a product. For example, if the product is a table, this might include the table top, four legs and a bag of screws.
  • A term used to describe whether the revenue in a record should be charged to a customer.
  • In the context of a Billed checkbox on a record, billed indicates whether the revenue associated with the record has been charged to the project or customer.
  • An invoice or a credit note enabling you to bill or credit a customer.
  • Billing documents that have the Billing Date field set to today's date or before today's date.
  • A means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system
  • A group of billing events
  • A group of billing events
  • A means of generating billing information that can be fed into a financial system
  • The frequency at which a contract line item is billed.
  • Bill of Material. The items that make up a product. For example, if the product is a table, this might include the table top, four legs and a bag of screws.
  • An amount used to manage expenditure on customer purchase orders, internal budgets, outbound vendor purchase orders and work orders. A budget must be associated with a project.
  • An amount used to manage expenditure on customer purchase orders, internal budgets, outbound vendor purchase orders and work orders. A budget must be associated with a project.
  • The burn-through date is represented in the Project Burnup dashboard as the point in time where the predicted billings surpass the assigned budget for the project, or when the predicted hours surpass the planned hours for the project.
  • Timecard Split, Expense, Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment or Budget
  • A transaction associated with a Timecard Split record, Expense, Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment or Budget.
  • Commercial and Government Entity Code. A unique identifier assigned to approved suppliers of government and defense agencies. CAGE codes identify a specific facility at a specific location.
  • Commercial and Government Entity Code. A unique identifier assigned to approved suppliers of government and defense agencies. CAGE codes identify a specific facility at a specific location.
  • Type of journal used to cancel out the transactions a previous journal posted in error.
  • Type of journal used to cancel out the transactions a previous journal posted in error.
  • A record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors.
  • History of all activities that take place during the payment, discounting, or writing off of a payable transaction line.
  • Certification that all the applicable rules were followed when a shipment was put together.
  • A type of opportunity that you can create from an existing project.
  • A change request is used to make changes to an active service contract. You can change service terms, price type, contract dates, billing and address information and also modify or cancel existing service contract lines and create new service contract lines. Once the change request has been approved it can be applied to the service contract and the changes will be incorporated.
  • The frequency at which a contract line item is charged. For example, a contract line item might be charged monthly but billed quarterly.
  • A collection of general ledger accounts, entities, and analysis dimensions, organized into a reporting structure.
  • Salesforce Chatter. See the Salesforce Help for further information.
  • A zero duration task record, which is used to represent an event in the project such as a key decision, completion of a work package, completion of a deliverable or end of a phase. Checkpoint tasks have no relationship with PSA milestones.
  • The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package.
  • Used to expose custom data fields, or map fields between objects in your organization.
  • A button on the ClickLink rule used to execute the Visualforce page associated with the rule.
  • A means by which you can schedule rule tasks to occur at specific time intervals.
  • ClickLink rule logs record actions that occur as a result of running rules.
  • The means by which you map a field in a source object to a field in a target object
  • Provides a means to link two rules together to represent a relationship between a source master and detail objects and/or target master and detail objects.
  • An accounting period to which users cannot save documents or post transactions. A period can be closed to individual GLA groups, or can be marked as Final Close which closes it to all GLAs.
  • Cost of Goods Sold
  • The original date that you have committed to for delivery of the goods or services you are selling. This date along with the current promise date and the date of receipt is used by your customer to evaluate your performance.
  • Provides context when drilling in Action Views.
  • A self-balancing accounting unit within your organization.
  • Custom object that only exists within the context of a specific company.
  • A location within the underlying Salesforce platform used to represent a company. When you activate a new company, a corresponding company queue is created.
  • A composite node is a type of field node that enables the publication to look up to one or more fields on another object without the need to create several lookup nodes. You can specify up to five lookup fields.
  • A composite node is a type of field node that enables the publication to look up to one or more fields on another object without the need to create several lookup nodes. You can specify up to five lookup fields.
  • A collection of configuration options contained in the configuration groups tab that defines behavior of a PSA object or feature.
  • A report in your organisation that provides the source of the data in XL Plus, provided you are using the correct company and have permission to run the report.
  • When PSA integrates with Jira through Integration Hub Connector
  • A contract of sale to provide a customer with a product or a service.
  • A contract line item that other line items on the same contract are aligned to for billing purposes.
  • A performance obligation line item which is used to populate certain fields (such as Account and Description) on the parent performance obligation. A performance obligation might have separate controlling POLIs for revenue and cost values.
  • Common components or objects that are contained within Foundations, but used in several Certinia products.
  • The Salesforce currency in which your corporate headquarters reports revenue.
  • The correlation field relates the source object and the target object, ensuring that incoming messages are recognised and sent to the correct target field.
  • Maximum amount of outstanding credit a customer is allowed. This is specified as a custom field on their account details.
  • See credit note.
  • Document used to rectify errors made on an invoice which has already been processed and sent to a customer. Sometimes called a credit memo. You issue sales credit notes and receive payable/purchase credit notes.
  • Set of terms used to determine due dates and discounts for the goods and services bought or sold. Terms can be set at account level for vendors and/or company level for customers.
  • Timecard hours that count towards a utilization calculation.
  • The longest path of planned activities to the end of the project. This shows the earliest and latest each task can start and finish without making the project longer. This is the shortest time in which the project can be completed.
  • When inventory is logged as received in Order and Inventory Management on a purchase order receipt, outstanding back orders are fulfilled before requiring items to be put away. This means that items go directly from the receiving dock to the shipping dock eliminating transactions that add no value.
  • Create Read Update Delete
  • Abbreviation of Currency Revaluation.
  • Cycles Since New
  • Cycles Since Overhauled
  • Cycles Since Removal
  • Comma Separated Values
  • Contract Line Item
  • There are two situations in which you might want to perform a currency revaluation. 1. At period end. You might want to revalue your income statement to eliminate the effect of exchange rate fluctuations. 2. At year end. You might want to revalue the company’s balance sheet so that it values the assets and liabilities of the company at the exchange rate applicable on the balance sheet date.
  • Document produced by a currency revaluation process.
  • Places on the transaction line item where currency values are stored. These are Home, Dual, Document, Dimension 1-4, Account, Bank Account, and General Ledger Account. The values are either calculated by the application using the stored exchange rates or entered by the user when creating or editing the source document.
  • Generated when there is a difference in the exchange rate between the date of the invoice and the date of the payment. The invoice and the payment are each converted from the document currency to account, home, and dual currency on the date they are created. Differences are posted to a currency write-off account.
  • The company in which you are working. This is represented by the company queue to which you, and new instances of objects you create, are assigned.
  • A process built by your organization for a declarative publication. The custom action is triggered when certain criteria are met in a source object of the publication.
  • Custom Actions also known as invocable methods provide a friendly way of calling the functionality of an API via a user interface, such as Process Builder, for example.
  • A mapping to a field in a publication that your organization has created.
  • Person or company that buys goods or services from your organization.
  • A procedure used to audit the items in the inventory against the actual items on the shelves in the warehouses.
  • A visual representation of your custom report data. You can create several dashboard components within a dashboard to give you a real-time snapshot of corporate metrics and key performance indicators.
  • A visual representation of your custom report data. You can create several dashboard components within a dashboard to give you a real-time snapshot of corporate metrics and key performance indicators.
  • As defined by Salesforce, a dataflow is a set of instructions that specifies what data to extract from Salesforce objects or datasets, how to transform the datasets, and which datasets to make available for querying.
  • A dataset is a set of source data, specially formatted and optimized for interactive exploration.
  • Define the object data that Action Views can interrogate in Reporting. This can be one or more objects.
  • A means by which you can carry out actions or create records by selecting a combination of options.
  • This user is used to connect to bank accounts through Plaid. It must not be used for anything else. This is in line with Plaid’s recommendation to enable the tracking of events should an issue occur that requires support intervention.
  • The main scenario of a plan. This scenario displays by default when you open a plan.
  • The proration policy that has the Automatically Assign to New Contracts checkbox set.
  • The main scenario of a plan. This scenario displays by default when you open a plan.
  • The change in value of a variable, such as Quantity. The delta value can be positive or negative.
  • Compatible applications installed on your local computer.
  • Company that receives the costs during an intercompany transaction.
  • Dimensions are an optional element of some accounting codes in Accounting. They also form part of an Accounting chart of accounts. You can use dimensions to analyze the activity in your business. For instance by cost center, project, employee or any other aspect of business important to you. Each time a sales invoice is created, you can sub-analyze both the invoice total and the individual lines by any of your dimensions.
  • The activities and transactions that occur from an item being received in the warehouse to it being added to the inventory.
  • The currency in which values are entered on a document.
  • Document Value is divided by this rate to calculate Home Value.
  • Used to enter financial information into the application. Examples include invoices, credit notes (memos), cash entries, and journals.
  • Defense Priorities and Allocations System
  • The ability, in an Action View, to left-click or right-click on a cell and open a new results tab displaying more analysis of the row clicked on.
  • A retail supply chain management technique where the seller does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer.
  • The currency in which your corporate headquarters reports financial statements. This defaults to, and is normally the same as, the corporate currency.
  • Home Value is multiplied by this rate to calculate Dual Value.
  • Billing documents that have the Billing Date field set to today's date or before today's date.
  • Data Universal Numbering System. A proprietary system developed and regulated by Dun & Bradstreet that assigns a unique numeric identifier to a single business entity.
  • Electronic Data Interface. A term used by retailers to describe a messaging standard that determines how orders are transmitted to warehouses and how those orders are tracked.
  • A contextual panel used to manage schedules for resources and projects on the Resource and Project Planners.
  • The elements of a full accounting code consist of a general ledger account, an entity, and up to four analysis dimensions.
  • A special type of company used when recording intercompany eliminations.
  • A form email that communicates a standard message, such as a reminder letter or remittance. Email templates are a standard Salesforce CRM feature.
  • Represents a single customer engagement that can include diverse revenue streams. It links together related products for a customer within a given time frame, such as professional services, subscriptions, and goods.
  • When PSA – Accounting Connector runs in enhanced mode, it uses the improved mechanism introduced starting with Spring 2021. This includes better flow execution performance and a modern user experience. Enhanced mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the PSA – Accounting Connector Settings custom setting is selected.
  • Support for sales invoices and credit notes of more than 80 lines. You can use custom settings to adjust this threshold in some instances.
  • The whole billing cycle from creation to Billing Event Release and Invoicing
  • Collective term for the following predefined dimensions within your chart of accounts: account, product, bank account, and tax code.
  • Calculates the revenue based on the source record's start date and end date. Also known as Straight Line or Ratable.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Comparison of scheduled hours (estimates) and actual hours entered on timecards.
  • Estimated Time to Completion
  • Tells you when an invoice or credit note was printed or sent by email, and who printed/sent it. Not used for mass email communications.
  • Timecard hours to be excluded from a utilization calculation.
  • Small icon displayed next to selected fields and line items. First click displays an expander panel that is hidden and closes any other panels that are already open. Blue indicates existing content. Click the icon again to hide the selected panel. Red indicates an error on the related expander panel.
  • Panels that are initially hidden when the page is loaded. They allow you to enter, and subsequently view, additional attributes of the related field or line item, such as further analysis or a line description.
  • A record of expenses incurred by resources assigned to a project or opportunity.
  • Maximum amount for an expense type on an expense line.
  • Used on expenses with types such as mileages to calculate the expense amount.
  • A mechanism for charging expenses incurred to a project or an assignment.
  • Used in Order and Inventory Management as an abbreviation of the word extended. In Order and Inventory Management, the term extended is used to represent an amount that represents the quantity of the items on a line such as a customer quotation line.
  • The view of the application that you see when you install one of the extension packages (such as the Cash Entry Extension package). For invoices, credit notes, and journals Extended Edition is integrated into the main package, but must be configured.
  • Extended purchase price variance = unit price variance x quantity.
  • Extended price = (price with options x quantity) x term discount.
  • A unique identifier for the document. It can be used as a reference for parties external to the originating company. The external document number is generated using Foundations sequencing. The way in which document numbers are generated is determined using custom metadata type records.
  • A person or entity that is external to your Salesforce organization. You can use external resources when assigning external staff, such as contractors, to project tasks.
  • A person or entity that is external to your Salesforce organization. You can use external resources when assigning external staff, such as contractors, to project tasks.
  • Authenticated contacts that are authorized to use only a limited subset of PSA features.
  • Billing Central
  • A sequence of whole numbers where the first numbers in the sequence are 0, 1, 2 and every subsequent number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers.
  • A field node contains the value of the specified field belonging to the source object. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a simple object field.
  • First Item Fulfils Order. A way in which items in the inventory can be allocated to an order. In this method, the first item to arrive in the inventory is the first item used to fulfil an order.
  • See closed period.
  • A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a finish to finish dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot finish until the first project task is complete.
  • A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a finish to start dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot start until the first project task is complete.
  • A flexible term service contract is a type of service contract that has lines with different start and end dates. You can change the term lengths for each service contract line within the contract so that billing can take place at different intervals to the contract terms. The number of terms in a flexible term service contract line determines the total fees for that line. The fees for each line are rolled-up to the parent service contract. For instance, a flexible term service contract might have two lines, one for 12 months and one for 24 months. Changing the number of terms in the parent service contract has no effect on the fees, total contract value and the number of service terms on the service contract lines. By contrast, the number of service terms on an ordinary service contract determines the number of terms on each service contract line.
  • See Flex Contract
  • Field Level Security
  • Prediction of the sale and delivery of services.
  • A Certinia application containing common functionality used by other Certinia applications.
  • Frames are used to divide your web browser window. This allows the window to broken up into multiple sections.
  • Full Truck Load
  • Central repository for all your business transactions. Each transaction is posted to a general ledger account.
  • The general ledger will normally include general ledger accounts (GLAs) for items such as income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and reserves.
  • The period in which recognition schedules are generated.
  • General Ledger
  • Abbreviation of General Ledger Account.
  • A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects.
  • An auto-numbering object for internal use only. You cannot edit, clone, or delete a grouping reference or its constituent invoices or journals.
  • Goods and Services Tax
  • Sold but not yet shipped.
  • A resource request with a status of “held” and a schedule. The Resource field is populated.
  • A resource request with a status of “held” and a schedule. The Resource field is populated.
  • Refers to all periods prior to the period being recognized in the Recognition Summary grid.
  • The main working currency of the current company.
  • Inventory Control Point. A distribution center or place around the globe that inventory items are controlled from. An ICP may have one or more warehouses.
  • Inventory Locator Service. A global electronic marketplace that provides information for buying and selling parts, equipment, and services. The ILS functionality is deprecated.
  • Used to spread the income (revenue) from a sales invoice across a range of accounting periods.
  • A group of journals used to spread the income (revenue) from a sales invoice across a range of accounting periods.
  • Specifies the dataview that you are inquiring on in Reporting.
  • In the context of Order and Inventory Management, this refers to a service or license that is sold rather than a physical product sat on a shelf.
  • When PSA directly integrates with Jira
  • Used to expose custom data fields, or map fields between objects in your organization.
  • A special account used in intercompany transactions. To create an intercompany account, link it to the company details of the destination company.
  • Defines the intercompany control accounts to use when transferring costs between companies in the same organization.
  • A specialized type of manual journal used to transfer costs to other companies in the same organization.
  • Object used as a staging location for data used when transferring costs to other companies in the same organization.
  • A purchase order for items that will become inventory.
  • Defines the storage of actual period balances.
  • Stock. Products or services that are available to buy or items that form part of a product or service. Where the item is tangible such as hardware, that item may be held in a warehouse as stock, or ordered directly from a supplier when a customer places an order.
  • One or more items in the inventory at a particular location of a warehouse. Warehouses may contain inventory at the same location that belongs to different inventory positions.
  • A commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer, indicating the products, quantities and agreed prices for goods or services that have already been provided. You issue sales invoices and receive payable/purchase invoices.
  • A set of sales invoices that together make up a recurring invoice.
  • In the context of an Invoiced checkbox, invoiced indicates whether the billing event associated with the record has been processed and therefore passed to an accounting system.
  • Inventory Position. An inventory position is one or more inventory items stored at a particular inventory location, for example a on shelf on a rack in a particular row in a warehouse. A warehouse may contain inventory items at the same location as other IPs. The IP record can be viewed on the Item Master page.
  • The International Organization for Standardization code. Used to represent both countries and currencies.
  • A reason for concern against an opportunity, account or a project. Issues are measured by impact and priority, and managed with a plan of action.
  • The record of a product or a service which is to be sold and/or stocked in a warehouse. An item master might also be referred to as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
  • Allow you to track the financial transactions arising from acquiring, managing and selling inventory items. You can track information such as who was involved in the transaction, what the transaction was for, when and where it took place and why. This information can be sent to financial systems such as Accounting. You can also view Inventory Transaction Financial Records from the Perpetual with Financial report.
  • Inventory Transaction Perpetual Record. Historical records that allow you to track transaction history arising from acquiring, managing and selling inventory items. You can track information such as who was involved in the transaction, what the transaction was for, when, where it took place and why. You can also view Inventory Transaction Perpetual Records from the Perpetual with Financial report.
  • An object added to the dataview, via a lookup field or related list, that enables you to access data that is not provided by the primary object.
  • A document that enables you to make corrections or adjustments to your existing accounting data.
  • JavaScript Object Notation. A lightweight format based on a subset of JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. This is a text based format that is easy for both humans and computers to read and write.
  • A field selected to define the unique identifier, for example in a dataview.
  • This term is either a delay or an overlap between tasks in a dependency relationship. According to the dependency type, lag is added (or subtracted when a negative value) to the start or end time of the successor task.
  • This term is either a delay or an overlap between tasks in a dependency relationship. According to the dependency type, lag is added (or subtracted when a negative value) to the start or end time of the successor task.
  • An alternative, process-led method of finding the right place to begin your task.
  • When PSA – Accounting Connector runs in legacy mode, it uses the older mechanism that was introduced before Spring 2021. Some features and modern user experience components aren't available in legacy mode. Legacy mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the PSA – Accounting Connector Settings custom setting is deselected.
  • A lens is a particular view into a dataset’s data. It’s where you do exploratory analysis and visualization.
  • A Salesforce user interface optimized for speed.
  • Related list nodes enable you to include information on related records in your publications. For example, you can create a publication that enables HCM to publish changes to an HCM worker record with new or updated skills associated with that worker. You can then create a subscription that enables PSA to receive the changes and update its related PSA resource and skill records. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a list field.
  • Give you instant access to specific sets of data. In addition to using existing views, you can create custom list views for the items most relevant to you.
  • A system for clearing transactions of domestic outbound payments using Asperato, required in some countries and regions.
  • A general ledger account that is used in local statutory reporting. You can only use local GLAs in allocations if you are in single-company mode.
  • The country or geographic region in which the user is located. The setting affects the format of date and number fields.
  • Lookup nodes enable you to include information from a lookup relationship in a publication. You can look up to an object to obtain the value of a lookup field rather than just its Salesforce ID. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a map field.
  • Less than Truck Load
  • Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System. A tax depreciation system used in the United States.
  • An item that consists of several other items which must undergo a process before they are turned into the product sold to the customer. For instance, if a table is sold as an assembled item it may consist of a table top and four legs which must be assembled before shipping to the customer.
  • Lookup nodes enable you to include information from a lookup relationship in a publication. You can look up to an object to obtain the value of a lookup field rather than just its Salesforce ID. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a map field.
  • Type of journal automatically generated when a match involves a settlement discount, write-off, or currency write-off.
  • The data being published or subscribed to.
  • A fixed target, which when achieved, can be billed to the customer for a fixed fee or by logging time against it.
  • A catch-all business record that allows you to correct data entry errors or adjust transactions.
  • A catch-all business record that allows you to correct data entry errors or adjust transactions.
  • A record that indicates a resource has not entered a timecard. Missing timecards are calculated based on criteria defined by your administrator.
  • Maintenance, Repair and Operations.
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue. The income that a company can expect to generate every 30 days.
  • Material Safety Data Sheet. A document containing information on the potential hazards of a product and how to work safely with that product.
  • State in which the current user has more than one current company selected. Data entry is disabled until the user returns to single-company mode. Enable multi-company mode when you want to generate reports that contain data from more than one company.
  • An organization (org) that is enabled for multiple currencies. If you are unsure, contact your Salesforce administrator.
  • Refers to running the Recognize Revenue process on performance obligations, which in turn are linked to source records. This functionality was introduced in Revenue Management V4.
  • Cash entry with multiple account lines.
  • Net Book Value. The original cost of the asset minus accumulated depreciation.
  • Tax is calculated on the net value of the invoice minus any applicable settlement discount.
  • National (or NATO) Item Identification Number. This is a nine digit numeric code which uniquely identifies an item of supply in the NATO Codification System.
  • A piece of information to be included in a publication such as fixed data, a field, a lookup or a relationship.
  • A term used to describe hours or costs that are not chargeable to a customer or a project.
  • Non Recurring Contract
  • Original Equipment Manufacturer
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • A mode of the PSA Expenses App. In this mode, the PSA Expenses App is not connected to a Salesforce organization. When you create, edit or delete expense records in this mode, changes are saved to your phone and are not synchronized with PSA until the App is in online mode.
  • Order and Inventory Management
  • Package that connects Order and Inventory Management and Accounting, enabling you to create Accounting documents from Order and Inventory Management documents. It also enables you to create vendor accounts from suppliers.
  • Package that connects Order and Inventory Management and Accounting, enabling you to create Accounting documents from Order and Inventory Management documents. It also enables you to create vendor accounts from suppliers.
  • Recognition schedule lines are withheld from being recognized if their parent recognition schedule has the status "On Hold".
  • A mode of the PSA Expenses App. In this mode, the PSA Expenses App is connected to a Salesforce organization. When in this mode, changes to expense records are synchronized with PSA.
  • An accounting period to which a user can save documents and post transactions.
  • Information on a specific sale or pending deal that you want to track. Opportunity is a standard Salesforce object.
  • Package that connects Order and Inventory Management and Accounting, enabling you to create Accounting documents from Order and Inventory Management documents. It also enables you to create vendor accounts from suppliers.
  • Salesforce organization. See also organization.
  • Salesforce organization
  • Custom object that exists across all companies in an organization (org).
  • A deployment of the Salesforce/Certinia applications with a defined set of licensed users. Your organization (org) includes all of your data and applications, and is separate from all other orgs.
  • Custom object that exists across all companies in an organization (org).
  • Individual user to which a record (for example, a sales invoice) is assigned.
  • The organization of fields, custom links, and related lists on a record detail or edit page.
  • A term used to describe costs or expenses that are to be charged to a customer or a project.
  • See credit note.
  • See invoice.
  • List of the accounts and transactions you are planning to pay or collect subscriptions from, on a specified date, using a specified bank account.
  • Used to create a single invoice that has multiple values that are due for payment on different dates.
  • Set of default values used to generate a payment proposal.
  • Portable Document Format
  • A recognition schedule line has the status "Pending" if it is not yet available to be recognized.
  • Goods or services that will be delivered to the customer. One or more performance obligations are itemized on a revenue contract.
  • The opening period of a financial year.
  • The adjustment period at the end of a financial year.
  • The closing period of a financial year.
  • Defines the interval between end dates when you split a financial year into periods
  • A setting that enables or disables a user's ability to perform certain functions. Permissions are enabled or disabled in profiles.
  • Determines whether a single user has permission to carry out specific tasks in PSA.
  • Determines whether a single user has permission to carry out specific tasks in PSA.
  • A Plaid term for a login at a financial institution. Most API requests interact with an Item.
  • Provides a secure authentication flow for each institution that Plaid supports. Link makes it secure and easy for you to connect your bank accounts to Plaid as it guides you through credential validation and multi-factor authentication (MFA).
  • A template from which you can create a contract.
  • Represents an independent scenario, version, or snapshot of a plan.
  • A term referring to the project and resource planners.
  • A consensus based technique commonly used in Agile software development for estimating the size or relative effort of a task or story.
  • A software component that adds a specific feature to an existing Certinia product, enabling customization.
  • Plan Line Item
  • Performance obligation line item. A performance obligation can have one or more performance obligation line items.
  • Purchase Price Variance
  • A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects.
  • EVA Estimated Hours - (Average Variance % for last 13 weeks* EVA Estimated Hours)
  • The selling price for one unit of measure.
  • A list of products that your organization sells, along with their associated selling prices.
  • The point at which the price type for an item changes as the number of items ordered increases or decreases.
  • The main book where transactions are posted by default.
  • A Salesforce object that acts as a primary source object for Revenue Management.
  • A Salesforce graphical UI workflow tool allowing the creation of business processes to automate tasks without having to write code.
  • An item or service your organization sells. You can create a product and associate it with a price in a price book. Each product can exist in many different price books with many different prices.
  • Product Stock Keeping Unit. A distinct item that is offered for sale such as a product or a service. These are recorded as item records in Order and Inventory Management.
  • Defines a user's permission to perform different functions with the application. Accounting comes with a set of predefined profiles.
  • Also known as an income statement.
  • A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets.
  • A mechanism used to manage situations where multiple users need to edit project tasks, assignments and dependencies in the project plan. Applies to native Salesforce objects and in Project Task Gantt and Gantt.
  • A mechanism used to manage situations where multiple users need to edit project tasks, assignments and dependencies in the project plan. Applies to native Salesforce objects and in Project Task Gantt and Gantt.
  • The location of the project. When completing a timecard you can select the location to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set. You can select a location for each day or a primary location depending on configuration.
  • The methodology used on the project. When completing a timecard you can select the methodology record to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set.
  • Phase of the project. When completing a timecard you can select the phase record to which the time applies depending on the configuration your administrator has set.
  • A graphical tool that gives you an organized, comprehensive view of projects and the resources assigned to them.
  • A unit of work or collection of work associated with a project.
  • Associates a resource or a role with a project task for a defined time period. Use Gantt or Project Task Gantt to assign resources or roles to project tasks.
  • Associates a resource or a role with a project task for a defined time period. Use Gantt or Project Task Gantt to assign resources or roles to project tasks.
  • A unit of work or collection of work associated with a project.
  • A read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time.
  • Placeholder used instead of a specific value in filter conditions. The real value is provided by the user at run time.
  • Professional Services Automation
  • PSA – Accounting Connector connects PSA with Accounting. The connector enables you to seamlessly create Accounting records from PSA records and vice-versa. That way you can avoid entering duplicate data in the two systems.
  • PSA – Accounting Connector connects PSA with Accounting. The connector enables you to seamlessly create Accounting records from PSA records and vice-versa. That way you can avoid entering duplicate data in the two systems.
  • PSA – Accounting Connector connects PSA with Accounting. The connector enables you to seamlessly create Accounting records from PSA records and vice-versa. That way you can avoid entering duplicate data in the two systems.
  • One of the packages that makes up PSA
  • Project Task Assignment
  • Project task assignments
  • A published message that a subscribing application receives.
  • Pulling Order and Inventory Management documents refers to the process of creating Accounting documents from all eligible Order and Inventory Management documents from an Accounting list view. For example, you can pull AP vouchers into Accounting by clicking the Create from AP Vouchers button on the Payable Invoices list view.
  • Pulling Order and Inventory Management documents refers to the process of creating Accounting documents from all eligible Order and Inventory Management documents from an Accounting list view. For example, you can pull AP vouchers into Accounting by clicking the Create from AP Vouchers button on the Payable Invoices list view.
  • Pulling Order and Inventory Management documents refers to the process of creating Accounting documents from all eligible Order and Inventory Management documents from an Accounting list view. For example, you can pull AP vouchers into Accounting by clicking the Create from AP Vouchers button on the Payable Invoices list view.
  • Pulling Order and Inventory Management documents refers to the process of creating Accounting documents from all eligible Order and Inventory Management documents from an Accounting list view. For example, you can pull AP vouchers into Accounting by clicking the Create from AP Vouchers button on the Payable Invoices list view.
  • Custom ordering website that a retailer creates for a particular customer with the prices that they have negotiated.
  • See credit note.
  • See invoice.
  • Pushing an Order and Inventory Management document refers to the process of creating an Accounting document from an Order and Inventory Management record page. For example, you can push an AP voucher to Accounting by clicking the Create Payable Invoice button on the AP Voucher record page.
  • Pushing an Order and Inventory Management document refers to the process of creating an Accounting document from an Order and Inventory Management record page. For example, you can push an AP voucher to Accounting by clicking the Create Payable Invoice button on the AP Voucher record page.
  • Pushing an Order and Inventory Management document refers to the process of creating an Accounting document from an Order and Inventory Management record page. For example, you can push an AP voucher to Accounting by clicking the Create Payable Invoice button on the AP Voucher record page.
  • A feature that lets you automatically update fixed assets with new/edited depreciation books at group or sub-group level.
  • See equal split.
  • Suggested bill rate or average cost rate for a resource role in a region, practice or group. You can use these rates for information purposes in resource requests.
  • Recurring Contract
  • Read, Create, Edit and Delete
  • A dataset recipe is a user-interface tool that lets you interact and execute sets of transformations on data taken from your existing datasets and replications.
  • Defines how a source record's revenue or cost will be recognized over time. A source record can have one recognition schedule and one or more recognition schedule lines. Each recognition schedule line represents a value that will be recognized at a certain point in time.
  • Allows you to make a source object accessible to Revenue Management. Stores mappings to fields on the source object and identifies its parent object (if any).
  • Source object groups. Each source object group has a primary source object and up to three additional levels of related source objects. Typical recognition streams might be Projects, Billing Contracts, and Sales Invoices.
  • Defines how you want Revenue Management to calculate revenue for a specific recognition settings record.
  • A summary of recognition transaction line details grouped by Account, Account Type, and Cost Center.
  • A saved snapshot of tabs, filters and filter values used on the Recognize Revenue and Forecast Revenue pages.
  • Spreading cost over time so that it is included on the Income Statement when the product or service is delivered to the customer rather than when the cost is incurred.
  • Spreading revenue over time so that it is included on the Income Statement when the product or service is delivered to the customer rather than when payment is received.
  • A revenue recognition process where revenue is recognized against recognition schedules instead of against source records.
  • A single instance of an object. For example, a single sales invoice is a record.
  • A field available for certain records that can include some or all of the standard and custom picklist values for that record. Record types are special fields that you can associate with profiles to make only the included picklist values available to users with that profile.
  • A special type of sales invoice that you enter only once but that causes several similar sales invoices to be generated automatically. Recurring invoices are typically used to request payment for regular bills, such as an annual maintenance agreement invoiced monthly. Alternatively you can use them to create invoices for scheduled monthly deliveries of products.
  • Used to create sales invoice that you enter only once but that causes several similar sales invoices to be generated automatically.
  • A page that lets you view and restore deleted information. Access the Recycle Bin via the link in the sidebar.
  • Upate the information in your Certinia XL Plus report.
  • A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects.
  • The contract lines adhere to the service contract length and cannot be altered. Billing only takes place at the service contract time scales.
  • Refers to the assets that belong to a group or sub-group.
  • Shows various types of information in the action view results in Reporting, for example address and contact information, tasks and chatter posts associated with the account. Some information is editable.
  • Shows various types of information in the action view results, for example address and contact information, tasks and chatter posts associated with the account. Some information is editable.
  • Section of a record or other detail page that lists items related to that record. For example, the Invoices related list for an Account.
  • Related list nodes enable you to include information on related records in your publications. For example, you can create a publication that enables HCM to publish changes to an HCM worker record with new or updated skills associated with that worker. You can then create a subscription that enables PSA to receive the changes and update its related PSA resource and skill records. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a list field.
  • An alternative to the Budget and Balance object specifically created for use by Reporting and Action Views.
  • The currency, other than Home or Dual, that a company uses to report to a higher intermediate company within your organization's hierarchy.
  • Defines the 'pot' of data to be reported on.
  • The top-level object from which reports are run.
  • Reusable query criteria.
  • A user-defined hierarchical reporting structure used to consolidate your general ledger accounts.
  • A library of reusable text to be made available to a reporting template.
  • Defines which objects in an organization are available for reporting.
  • Information that the user provides at run time.
  • Map reporting prompts to the related reporting filters.
  • The Visualforce page on which the report is based.
  • A request to buy something.
  • A contact that works on a project.
  • A graphical tool that gives you an organized, comprehensive view of resources and the projects to which they are assigned.
  • A means of asking for resources for a project or an opportunity.
  • A group of resource requests. You can use resource request sets to hold more than one resource against a resource request.
  • An authorization for a particular warehouse to receive an item returned from a customer. When the item arrives it is expected and a receipt can be created for it.
  • The basis on which revenue is calculated. You can base your calculation on a single total revenue figure, or base it on a calculated value (total units * rate).
  • An agreement or contract between a vendor and a customer. A revenue contract contains one or more performance obligations.
  • Type of journal that automatically reverses itself in a subsequent period.
  • Request for Information
  • Request for Proposal
  • Request for Quote
  • Text that contains formatting, hyperlinks and URLs to images.
  • The potential of an adverse effect on an opportunity, account or a project. Risks are measured by impact and likelihood, and managed with mitigation and contingency.
  • Return Material Authorization
  • Term used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation.
  • Term used to describe how a lower level figure or transaction is included in a higher level transaction or calculation.
  • Return on Net Assets. A key performance indicator used in a business. For instance, this can be net income divided by fixed assets plus working capital.
  • Rest of World
  • Abbreviation of region, practice, group.
  • Abbreviation of recognition transaction.
  • Return To Vendor. A document in Order and Inventory Management that can trigger the creation of a credit note in Accounting.
  • See credit note.
  • See invoice.
  • Salesforce organization
  • Allows partner users to log in to Salesforce through a Web portal rather than through
  • Represents an independent scenario, version, or snapshot of a plan.
  • The number of hours usually worked per day on an assignment.
  • Revenue from work that is already assigned to resources on projects for a region, practice or group during a time period.
  • EvA Estimated Hours
  • Supply Chain Management
  • SCM-Accounting Connector is now known as Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector.
  • SCM-Accounting Connector is now known as Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector.
  • SCM-Accounting Connector is now known as Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector.
  • Stores predefined source objects/fields and filter conditions for use in the desktop apps and when sending email messages such as remittances and reminder letters to a group of accounts.
  • Services Resource Planning (SRP) is now known as PSA – Accounting Connector.
  • A discount agreed with the purchaser for payment within an agreed period of time. The value of the discount is posted to a settlement discount account.
  • A repeating hourly assignment worked across days in a week.
  • Loss of items in the inventory. This can occur for many reasons including damage or theft.
  • Column, usually appearing on the left side of each page, providing links to recent items and other resources. The sidebar is collapsible if your administrator has enabled this option.
  • A static node contains a fixed piece of data to be included in a Foundations publication. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a simple literal field.
  • A field node contains the value of the specified field belonging to the source object. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a simple object field.
  • State in which the current user has only one current company selected. Data entry is enabled.
  • State in use when your Salesforce CRM organization is not enabled for multiple currencies.
  • An organization that is not enabled for multiple currencies. If you are unsure, contact your Salesforce administrator.
  • Stock Keeping Unit. A product or service that your company holds in inventory. In Order and Inventory Management this is referred to as an item master.
  • Salesforce refers to soft dates as "relative date values". Accounting supports the following relative date values: Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, Last "n" Days, Next "n" Days, This Week, Last Week, Next Week, This Year, Last Year, Next Year. See the Salesforce Help for details of how these relative date values are resolved. Note that Last "n" Days and Next "n" Days are ranges. For example if today is May 25 then Last 3 Days is from May 23 to May 25. A filter on transaction date of "< Last 3 days" would retrieve transactions dated prior to May 23.
  • Company that initiates an intercompany transaction.
  • A self-contained source entity that consists of both data and rules for transforming the data.
  • The records (in your Salesforce organization) that you want to include in revenue recognition. For example, if you use Certinia PSA with Revenue Management, your source records might include Timecard and Milestone.
  • Services Resource Planning (SRP) is now known as PSA – Accounting Connector.
  • Data generated in order to recognize revenue directly against source records.
  • A stamp number is a secondary signature for each person who is involved in processes such as inspection. To complete and verify the result of inspections in Order and Inventory Management, you must have a stamp number set on your Salesforce user record.
  • The first set of credit terms specified for a company or account.
  • On standard service contracts, the number of service terms on an ordinary service contract determines the number of terms on each service contract line.
  • A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a start to finish dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot finish before the first project task starts.
  • A type of dependency relationship between two project tasks. When a start to start dependency relationship exists between two project tasks, the second project task in the relationship cannot start until the first project task starts.
  • A static node contains a fixed piece of data to be included in a Foundations publication. In previous versions of Foundations, this was known as a simple literal field.
  • Allow you to upload content that you can reference in a Visualforce page, including archives (such as .zip and .jar files), images, stylesheets, JavaScript, and other files.
  • A saved set of variable values that are used to calculate the distribution of an allocation, such as employee headcount. When you update the values set on an existing statistical basis, the previous version is saved and the new version used in all subsequent allocations that use that statistical basis.
  • The activities and transactions that occur from an item being picked from inventory through to it being shipped to a customer.
  • Stock Keeping Unit. A product or service that your company holds in inventory. In Order and Inventory Management this is referred to as an item master.
  • Stocking UOM is the unit of measure in which the item is stocked and sold to the customer. For instance, your supplier may sell you a box containing a quantity of 2000 of the item, but your company may sell them as individual units (each). Stocking UOM and Supplier UOM are used to determine if a conversion is required upon receiving an item into stock. The conversion will not be applied unless there are two different units of measure entered for the Supplier UOM and Stocking UOM fields on the item master. The appropriate conversion calculation is derived from the Conversion Factor and Conversion Value fields.
  • A story is the output of the analysis made to a dataset by Salesforce Einstein Discovery. You can use stories to view a series of insights for a specific metric as well as suggestions on how to improve its outcome variable.
  • See equal split.
  • Mapping of custom fields at header and line level for the purpose of profitability reporting.
  • A list that makes up part of a larger list.
  • A subscribed message that a publishing application sends.
  • In Reporting, a way of condensing data into a custom object which can then be the basis of a dataview, and inquired on using action views.
  • A project task that contains at least one child task. Information from a child task such as start and end date, percentage complete and points rolls-up to its parent summary task. You cannot edit start and end date, percentage complete and points fields on a summary task.
  • A project task that contains at least one child task. Information from a child task such as start and end date, percentage complete and points rolls-up to its parent summary task. You cannot edit start and end date, percentage complete and points fields on a summary task.
  • The original date that the supplier committed to for delivery of the goods or services being procured. This date along with the current promise date and the date of receipt is used to evaluate the supplier performance. Do not change this after the purchase order is approved.
  • Supplier UOM is the unit of measure in which the item is bought from the supplier. For instance, your supplier may sell you a box containing a quantity of 2000 of the item, but your company may sell them as individual units (each). Stocking UOM and Supplier UOM are used to determine if a conversion is required upon receiving an item into stock. The conversion will not be applied unless there are two different units of measure entered for the Supplier UOM and Stocking UOM fields on the item master. The appropriate conversion calculation is derived from the Conversion Factor and Conversion Value fields.
  • Supply Chain Management (SCM) is now known as Order and Inventory Management.
  • Sales and Use Tax
  • One or more expense records displayed in the PSA Expenses App that have been synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records displayed in the PSA Expenses App that have been synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records displayed in the PSA Expenses App that have been synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records displayed in the PSA Expenses App that have been synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records displayed in the PSA Expenses App that have been synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records displayed in the PSA Expenses App that have been synchronized with PSA.
  • See administrator.
  • In the context of Order and Inventory Management, this refers to a physical product that may be sat on a shelf in a warehouse.
  • A self-contained target entity that consists of the transformed source object data.
  • Describes a resource request that has been generated based on information on project tasks and their associated project task assignments. If you use a task-based approach to manage your projects, you can generate task-driven resource requests on the Generate Resource Requests From Project Task Assignments page (accessed from Project Task Gantt, Gantt or the Project detail record).
  • Describes a resource request that has been generated based on information on project tasks and their associated project task assignments. If you use a task-based approach to manage your projects, you can generate task-driven resource requests on the Generate Resource Requests From Project Task Assignments page (accessed from Project Task Gantt, Gantt or the Project detail record).
  • A relationship between two tasks. If a task is completed early or late, this has an effect on the start and end date of the task that succeeds it.
  • Method used by the account to calculate taxes in VAT or GST mode.
  • A user-defined group of tax codes on which you want to report.
  • Total Contract Line Value
  • Total Contract Value
  • A group of resources who work together during a regularly-scheduled daily shift.
  • The team owner or a team member with administrative rights to create or modify teams.
  • A resource assigned to a team.
  • The hours of a day members of a team are scheduled to work.
  • TF0000000000000
  • TF000000000000A
  • TF000000000000B
  • The reference that the reporting template uses to retrieve the data for the report.
  • A predefined, reusable snippet of text that can be included on an invoice or credit note.
  • A period of time with a start date and an end date to which forecasts, actuals calculations, billing event batches, utilization calculations and region plans belong.
  • A work shift in a team schedule.
  • The difference between a resource's scheduled working hours and the hours worked per calendar week.
  • A mechanism for logging time against a project or an assignment.
  • A whole timecard or part of a timecard.
  • A feature of the Resource and Project Planners. Offers a visual overview – in days, weeks, months or quarters – of assignment duration and scheduled hours, as well as total hours rolled up to the parent resource or project.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • The Total Contract Value (TCV) in the customer quotation field and the customer quotation banner TCV will have the same values unless waived terms have been generated. Waived terms will be included in the banner TCV value.
  • Accounting periods during which trading takes place, always corresponding to a range of dates. Opening, adjustment, and closing periods are not trading periods.
  • A record created when documents are posted to the general ledger. Transactions must balance (sum to zero) in home, dual, and document currency.
  • A record of an unprocessed transaction that has been queued for processing.
  • A recognition transaction created by the true-up process.
  • Time Since New
  • Time Since Overhauled
  • Time Since Removed
  • A resource request to which a resource has not yet been assigned. Includes resource requests with a status of Draft, Ready to Staff, Tentative, Held and Cancelled.
  • A resource request to which a resource has not yet been assigned. Includes resource requests with a status of Draft, Ready to Staff, Tentative, Held and Cancelled.
  • The maximum number of unheld resource request records to process in a single batch for a utilization run.
  • The Unit of Work field appears on all our custom objects. They are strictly for internal use only. Do not modify them or rely on them in any way.
  • Revenue from work that is not yet assigned to resources on projects for a region, practice or group during a time period.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • One or more expense records created, modified or deleted in the PSA Expenses App that are yet to be synchronized with PSA.
  • Unit of Measure
  • Universal Product Code. A specific type of barcode widely used in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.
  • Uniform Resource Locator. A link to a web page or resource.
  • Unheld resource request. A resource request for a specific role. Unlike assignments and held resource requests (HRRs), URRs do not have associated schedules.
  • A recognition settings record that has the Use in Revenue Contract checkbox enabled.
  • A recognition template that has the Use in Revenue Contract checkbox enabled.
  • An Apex class that applies or updates items when the Apply User Information job is run. Plugins are supplied that apply permission set or licenses.
  • Abbreviation of utilization.
  • The frequency in minutes that the Utilization Run Monitor executes after a utilization run has started. The Utilization Run Monitor checks for uncatchable exceptions within the process, preventing the utilization run from processing indefinitely.
  • Value Added Tax
  • VAT Reporting is known as Tax Reporting.
  • Person or company that sells goods or services to your organization.
  • Vehicle Identification Number
  • A bundle of items sold to a customer. For instance, a pencil case might be sold as a bundle including the pencil case, several pencils, a sharpener and an eraser.
  • Terms are waived if the first bill date occurs after the service contract start date buy one or more terms.
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Work in Progress. This is a standard inventory location in Order and Inventory Management. Items stored in this location are undergoing a manufacturing process to turn them into finished goods to send to a customer.
  • A calendar that defines the working days, hours and public holidays for a resource, region, practice or group.
  • Current Assets minus Current Liabilities
  • An outstanding, but usually small, amount of money not collected from a customer, typically as a result of a small variance between the cash submitted and the value of the documents matched to it. Differences are posted to a write-off account.
  • Abbreviation of what you see is what you get
  • eXtensible Markup Language
  • GLA Only or Full Accounting Code. This mode controls the detail and size of your year end journal lines.