Resource Search Service Settings

Professional Services Cloud

Resource Search Service settings enable resources to be weighted or prioritized when ranked using Intelligent Staffing.



Resource Optimizer

Description Default
Custom Filter Fields Weighting No

Determines the importance of the resource matching custom filter fields.

Essential means all custom filters must match the fields for the resource. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested.

Ideal, Desirable and Suggested mean a resource does not have to match any custom filter fields.

You cannot set a different value for individual custom fields. For example, you cannot set Desirable for a custom filter field, and Ideal for another custom filter field.

Group Weighting Yes Determines the importance of the resource matching the Group filter. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested. Essential
Practice Weighting Yes Determines the importance of the resource matching the Practice filter. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested. Essential
Region Weighting Yes Determines the importance of the resource matching the Region filter. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested. Essential
Role Weighting Yes Determines the importance of the resource matching the Role filter. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested. Essential
Worked With Customer Weighting No Determines the importance of the resource matching the Worked With Customer filter. Essential means the Worked With Customer filter must match the field for the resource. Other possible values from most important to least important are Ideal, Desirable, and Suggested. Essential
Filter Fields Priority Yes

Determines the priority of Role, RPG, and custom filter fields when matching and ranking resources with Intelligent Staffing. The default value is 1. 1 is the highest priority. 2 is next highest, and so on.

Priority values must be unique. The Filter Fields Priority value must not be the same value as Skills Priority or Availability Priority.

Skills Priority Yes

Determines the priority of skill ratings when matching and ranking resources with Intelligent Staffing. The default value is 2. 1 is the highest priority. 2 is next highest, and so on.

Priority values must be unique. The Skills Priority value must not be not the same value as Filter Fields Priority or Availability Priority.

Availability Priority Yes

Determines the priority of percentage availability when ranking resources with Intelligent Staffing. The default value is 3. 1 is the highest priority. 2 is next highest, and so on.

Priority values must be unique. The Availability Priority value must not be not the same value as Filter Fields Priority or Skills Priority.


The following from the highest to the lowest weighting represent the amount of weight to apply to a match.


Description Default
Essential A resource must match on the attribute to be returned in the results. Essential is the highest possible weighting. Yes
Ideal A resource does not need to match on the attribute to be returned in the results. No
Desirable A resource does not need to match on the attribute to be returned in the results. No
Suggested A resource does not need to match on the attribute to be returned in the results. Suggested is the lowest possible weighting. No