Customer Statement Log Fields

The Customer Statement Logs home page displays the following fields:



Account A lookup to the account the statement was created for.
Customer Statement An auto-generated number. Click the statement number to view the Customer Statement Space details.
Customer Statement Log Number An auto-generated number. Click the log number to view the Customer Statement Log Details.
Log Type

Displays the log type. Customer statement logs can have the following types:

  • Information. The customer statement was sent successfully.
  • Error. There was a problem sending the customer statement.
  • Excluded. The customer statement was excluded from the statements process.

Customer Statement Log Details Fields

The Customer Statement Log Details page contains the following fields:



Account A lookup to the account the statement was created for.
Customer Statement An auto-generated number. Click the statement number to view the Customer Statement details.
Customer Statement Log Number An auto-generated number.
Log Type

Displays the log type. Customer statement logs can have the following types:

  • Information. The customer statement was sent successfully.
  • Error. There was a problem sending the customer statement.
  • Excluded. The customer statement was excluded from the statements process.
Message Information on the customer statement log status. If the log type is error, then this includes information on the error.
Reason For Exclusion A text field displaying the reason for excluding the statement from the statements process. You can enter up to 80 characters in this field.
Statement Sent Date The date the statement was sent, if successful.

Customer Statement Details Fields

For details of fields on the Customer Statement Details page, see Customer Statement Fields.

Customer Statement Space Fields

The following custom fields are displayed on the Customer Statement Space object.



Company Lookup to the company the customer statement space is associated with.
Customer Statement Reference Number Auto-generated reference number for this customer statement space.
End Date The end date for the customer statement space.
Start Date The date the customer statement space was created.
Total Number of Statements The total number of statements generated for this customer statement space.