Collections Plus Settings

Some aspects of Accounting are controlled by custom settings. From Setup, click Develop | Custom Settings. You must be signed in with system administrator permissions to perform these tasks. See the Salesforce Help for information on how to maintain custom settings.

Collections Plus Settings
Field Description
Additional Contacts Field Name For SIN

Stores the name of the field used for additional email addresses that you want to send reminders for. This allows you to send reminders to addresses other than the finance contact or other specified contacts.

You must enter the name and relationship in the format RelationshipObject__r.FieldName__c. For example, Account__r.EmailAddress__c.

If the field you specify contains more than one email address, these must be separated by commas.

Attach Invoices to Reminder Email

When selected all the invoices for the account are attached to the reminder email. The default is selected.

Note: The Send All Invoices in an Email checkbox must also be selected.
Collections Reminders Limit

The maximum number of reminders that can be sent at one time using the reminders process. The default value is 5,000.

If you encounter platform limits when running this process, try setting this value to 4,000 or lower.

If you have selected the Send All Invoices in One Email custom setting, it is recommended that you set this value to 100. Due to Salesforce limits, it is not possible to send emails with more than 100 attachments.
Collections Statement Limit

The maximum number of customer statements that can be sent at one time by the statements process. The default value is 5,000.

If you encounter platform limits when running this process, try setting this value to 4,000 or lower.

Conga Batch URL Link The location of the Conga Batch URL. You only need to use this setting if you are using Conga version 8.13 or earlier. You must enter the following value: /apex/APXT_BPM__Conductor_Launch?id={!APXT_BPM__Conductor__c.Id}
Conga Dashboard Page The location of the Conga Dashboard page. You only need to use this setting if you are using Conga Composer v 8.13 or earlier. You must enter the following value:{!$Api.Session_ID}&serverUrl={!$Api.Partner_Server_URL_290}&uiscreen=dashboard
Conga Statements Attachment Prefix Allows you to define a prefix that is applied to Conga customer statement attachments.
Detailed Reminder Batch Process Logs

Indicates that detailed logs are created for each reminder batch job. The default value is true.

You can use the detailed logs for troubleshooting errors in the reminders batch process.

Detailed Reminder Logs for All Contacts

Indicates that detailed reminder logs, containing the email body and any attachments, are created for all contacts when sending reminders. The default value is true.


If you get "Too many SOQL queries" errors when sending reminders with multiple attachments to multiple contacts, we recommend that you disable this setting.

If you disable this setting, then detailed reminder logs are only created for the finance contact when you send reminders to multiple contacts on an account. If you do not have a finance contact defined on the account, detailed reminder logs are created for the first collections communication contact.

Email Template Folders Used to filter email templates by folder when creating reminder and statement rules. You can enter multiple folder names, separated by a comma. If you leave this field blank, all email templates are displayed when creating rules.
Due to Salesforce restrictions you cannot use the My Personal Templates and Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates folders to filter email templates.
Reminder Batch Scope Size

The number of emails that are processed in a batch by the Send Email process for reminders. The default value is 50.

If you receive errors when sending reminder emails, you can try reducing the batch scope size.

Reminder Logs Retention Period (Days)

Defines the minimum number of days to retain reminder and statement logs before they can be deleted. The default value is 90.


This value must be equal to or greater than 90 for configuring the Collection Plus Log Deletion Scheduler.

Send All Invoices in One Email

Indicates whether all invoices for an account are included in a single email when sending reminders. A single email is sent to each account for each reminder rule. If you are using Conga Attachments, all attachments are added to a single email.

If you enable this setting the following template types are displayed when creating reminder rules:

  • All HTML "available for use" email template types.
  • All Text "available for use" email template types.
  • All Visualforce email templates "available for use" and which have relatedToType="c2g_codaMassEmailAccount_c".
Due to Salesforce limits you can only attach a maximum of 100 invoices to an email. If you attempt to send a reminder with more than 100 invoices, no attachments are included.
Send Reminders for Billing Documents Indicates whether to use billing documents instead of sales invoices in the reminders process.