Sending Reminders


The information on this page refers to sending reminders using the Collections page. If you have multi-company reminder rules, you can send reminders for these rules from the Automated Collections page.

You can use the Reminders tab on the Collections page to send email reminders for sales invoices. The Reminders tab lists the reminder rules that you have created and the number of reminders to be sent for each rule.

If you have created automated rules, the number of reminders sent is displayed, if the rule has already run.

If you have chosen to use a Conga template for a reminder rule, you must attach the documents to the reminders before you can send them.

Reminder rules select invoices based on the due date. If you have invoices that meet more than one rule, reminders will only be sent for the rule that is either before the due date or closest to the due date. Invoices will not be selected for the next rule until the number of days specified in the Offset Days for Collections Reminders field in the Accounting custom setting is reached.
For example, if you set up reminder rules for 10 and 30 days after the invoice due date, when you first run the reminder process, invoices that are 30 days overdue are initially sent a reminder for being 10 days overdue. If the Offset Days for Collections Reminders field is set to 5 (the default), you must wait 5 days before you can send reminders for those invoices that met both the 10 day and 30 day rule.
When you send reminders for a rule, the process creates a cached workspace for each company associated with that rule. Only invoices available when you run the rule are included and the workspace is effectively locked. If you make changes to invoices that affect their availability for that reminder rule after reminders have been sent, those changes will not appear in Collections Plus until the following day.

When the Reminder job is complete for a reminder rule, the number of reminders sent, the number of reminders excluded and the number of reminders with errors display. You can click these to view details of the reminders sent, excluded or with errors.

If you have errors, you can view details of the errors. When you have fixed the errors, you can re-send the reminders. For more information, see Reminder Errors.

Invoices that you exclude from the reminder process, will continue to be available to have reminders sent today and on subsequent days, until the reminder has been sent. If you want to remove an invoice from the collections process entirely, you should select Collections On Hold on the Invoice or in the Account.
If you are sending reminders for billing documents, you can remove them from the collections process entirely by placing them "On Hold". For more information, see Placing Billing Documents On Hold.