Adding a Reference

To add a reference to another plan or scenario:

  1. Click Add Reference. The New Reference window appears.
  2. From the Name list, select a plan or scenario. You can select the default or specific scenario from this plan or from another plan.


    If you select the default scenario of a plan, the formula always references the default scenario. Therefore, if the default scenario changes, a different scenario is referenced in the formula.

  3. Select the function type.
  4. Select the filters that you want to apply.


    In place of using the filters, you can also populate the formula segment by clicking the cell directly in the plan table that you want to use in the formula.

  5. For the first filter that you selected, leave "=" selected to include the value that you select in the next step. Otherwise, select "!=" to exclude the value but include all other values.
  6. Select the value that is included or excluded by the filter.
  7. Repeat steps d and e for all the remaining filters that you selected.
  8. If the plan contains multiple measures, select the measure that you want to include or exclude.
  9. Click Save.