Allocating Amounts Across Plan Cells

You can use allocations to distribute an amount across plan cells within a row using equal spread, percentage, or custom allocation types.

For example, your allocation might look like the Example 1: Allocation Using Equal Spread table. In this example, the allocation amount is 6,333, the From is 2025 / 001 / Home, and the To is 2025 / 003 / Home.

Example 1: Allocation Using Equal Spread
Year 2025
Period 001  002  003  004 
Account Home Home Home Home
Existing Values        
Company 1 8,463 7,333 5,759 6,865
Updated Values        
Company 1 2,111 2,111 2,111  
Resulting Values 10,574 9,444 7,870 6,865

To allocate using equal spread:

  1. Navigate to the plan where you want to allocate to.
  2. Next to the row you want to apply your allocation to, click Show menu.
  3. Click Allocate. The New Allocation window opens.
  4. Select the "Equal Spread" allocation type.
  5. Enter an allocation amount. The allocation amount must be a whole number without decimals.
  6. [Optional] In the From field, select the column where you want to start the allocation amount.
  7. [Optional] In the To field, select the column where you want to end the allocation amount.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click Save.

Your allocation might look like the Example 2: Allocation Using Percentage table. In this example, the allocation percentage is 10, the From is 2025 / 001 / Home, and the To is 2025 / 003 / Home.

Example 2: Allocation Using Percentage
Year 2025
Period 001  002  003  004 
Account Home Home Home Home
Existing Values        
Company 1 8,463 7,333 5,759 6,865
Updated Values        
Company 1 10% 10% 10%  
Resulting Values 9309 8,066 6335 6,865

To allocate using percentage:

  1. Navigate to the plan where you want to allocate to.
  2. Next to the row you want to apply your allocation to, click Show menu.
  3. Click Allocate. The New Allocation window opens.
  4. Select the "Percentage" allocation type.
  5. Enter an allocation percentage. The allocation percentage must be a whole number without decimals.
  6. [Optional] In the From field, select the column where you want to start the allocation amount.
  7. [Optional] In the To field, select the column where you want to end the allocation amount.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click Save.

Your allocation might look like the Example 3: Allocation Using Custom table. In this example, the allocation amount is 21,084.

Example 3: Allocation Using Custom
Year 2025
Period 001  002  003  004 
Account Home Home Home Home
Existing Values        
Company 1 8,463 7,333 5,759 6,865
Updated Values        
Company 1 5,000 5,692 3,392 7,000
Resulting Values 9309 8,066 6335 6,865

To allocate using custom:

  1. Navigate to the plan where you want to allocate to.
  2. Next to the row you want to apply your allocation to, click Show menu.
  3. Click Allocate. The New Allocation window opens.
  4. Select the "Custom" allocation type.
  5. Enter an allocation amount. The allocation amount must be a whole number without decimals.
  6. Enter your desired custom amounts in the updated values cells. When the discrepancy is zero, this means that you have entered your entire allocation amount.
  7. Click Apply.
  8. Click Save.

If you want to change how an allocation amount is distributed, you can do so by changing the amounts in the individual cells after selecting Apply. The original allocation amount must stay the same and you cannot save your changes unless the discrepancy field reads zero. To save your changes, click Save.