Managing Plan Lines

Use the Plan Lines tab to manage your plans and apply calculations.

  • Use the search box above the grid to refine the displayed content and help you find the information you are looking for. You can search the content of any of the displayed columns.
  • While editing a field, press Escape before pressing Enter to revert it to its previous value.

Managing Rows and Columns in Plan Lines

To manage plan lines effectively, you need rows and columns in the table. The rows and columns are the basis for performing calculations and interpreting the data. You need to add new rows and columns to refine calculations and gain insights into the data and for that, the correct structure is important for maximizing data usefulness and ensuring accurate calculation, whether working with one or multiple plan lines.

Inserting Total Rows and Total Columns

To insert total rows in the plan table from the Plan Lines tab to get the total of all dimensions:

  1. Click | Insert Total Row or right-click the table where the dimensions are located and click . The Insert Total Row window appears. By default, a new row will be added to the bottom of the plan. To insert a row on a specific line, you must right-click.
  2. Fill out the values based on the dimensions. You can type and create a new dimension value or search and choose one from the list. Ensure that each value entered is unique and not repeated. The duplicated values will not be added to the table.


    You choose a row that shows both "Company" and "Account" dimensions, and there's already a row in the table with the values "Total" and "Total". You can add another line with "Total" and "Total" values. This results in a total of duplicate value but not a duplicate combination.

  3. [Optional] Select the Include Calculations checkbox to include the calculations for the selected cells. For more information, see Calculations in Plan Cells.
  4. Click Insert. The new total row will be added to the table in the appropriate hierarchy. If a record in the measure has been selected, a new total row will be added to the bottom of the selected measure. Each row in the plan table had a formula set up.


    In the first column, we have a function that displays the year 2019 or period 001, followed by the Sum of Home Value. If you check the other cells, you will notice that the period changes. When we move to the new period 2020, both the year and the period change in all columns. You can undo the changes by clicking .

  5. Click Insert & New to add a new total row to the table in the appropriate hierarchy and add another total row.

You can drag and drop rows in a plan to change the row order.

To insert total columns in the plan table from the Plan Lines tab to get the total of all measures:

  1. Click | Insert Total Column or right-click the table where the measures are located and click . The Insert Total Column window appears
  2. Fill out the values based on the measures. You can type and create a new measure value or search and choose one from the list. Ensure that each value entered is unique and not repeated, as duplicated values will not be added to the table.
  3. [Optional] Select the Include Calculations checkbox to include the calculations for the selected cells. For more information, see Calculations in Plan Cells.

    • You choose a column that shows "2019", "001", and "Count of Home Value" measures, and there's already a column in the table. You can add another column with "Total", "Total" and "Total" values. This results in adding a new total column at the right side of the plan table with the total of values. If you check the other cells, you will notice that the values are changed. You can undo the changes by clicking .
    • You can also choose to calculate the total for the whole year 2019. You can add a column with Years as "Total", Period as "All Periods" and Measure as " Sum of Home Value". A new total column is added in the Year "2019" summing the total values.
  4. Click Insert. The new total column will be added to the table in the appropriate hierarchy. If a record in the measure has been selected, a new column will be added to the bottom of the selected measure.
  5. Click Insert & New to add a new total column to the table in the appropriate hierarchy and add another total column.

You can drag and drop a column header to change the column order. Alternatively, you can click a column header and then select Move Column Right or Move Column Right.

Importing and Exporting Plan Lines

You can import and export plan lines using Microsoft Excel (XLSX) if you have permission.

For more information, see Importing and Exporting Plans.