Financial Analytics Data Reference

ERP Cloud

The Financial Analytics app uses a recipe and a dataflow to pull in data from your Salesforce org into your Financial Analytics app. For more information about recipes and dataflows, see the Salesforce Help.

The Financial Analytics recipe generates the following datasets:

  • Currencies
  • Financial Accounts
  • Financial Periods

We recommend that you never modify the Financial Analytics recipe. This might cause dashboards, lenses, and other recipes to stop working. In addition, any changes that you make to a recipe are lost when you upgrade or reconfigure the app.

Depending on how your app is configured, the Financial Analytics dataflow generates the following datasets:

  • Billing Contracts
  • Billing Documents
  • Financial Balances
  • Financial Matching
  • Financial Transactions
  • Recognition Transactions
  • Revenue Waterfall
  • Order and Inventory Management

If you have Extended Planning and Analysis installed and the Financial Plans dataset is created, the Financial Analytics dataflow processes the data from the Financial Plans dataset to combine it with the data from the Financial Balances dataset.


Modifying the Financial Analytics dataflow might result in the loss of functionality. Contact your system administrator before using the data manager tool in Analytics.


If your Salesforce org is configured to support multiple currencies, the Financial Analytics recipe also generates the Currencies dataset. This dataset pulls in the currencies configured in your org.

Financial Accounts

The Financial Accounts flow includes fields held on the Account object in Salesforce.

Financial Balances

The Financial Balances flow includes fields from the Reporting Balances, Transaction, Transaction Line, objects in Accounting and Tag object in Planning.

Financial Matching

The Financial Matching flow includes fields from the Cash Matching, Transaction and Transaction Line objects in Accounting.

Financial Periods

The Financial Periods flow includes fields from the Period object in Accounting.

Financial Transactions

The Financial Transactions flow includes fields from the Transaction and Transaction Line objects in Accounting.

Recognition Transactions

The Recognition Transactions flow includes calculated and non-calculated fields from objects in Revenue Management.

Revenue Waterfall

The Revenue Waterfall flow includes fields associated with the Revenue Schedule and the Billing Schedule objects in Revenue Management.

Billing Contracts

The Billing Contracts flow includes calculated and non-calculated fields from objects in Accounting and Billing Central.

The Billing Contracts dataset includes calculated fields derived from the Company, Contract, Contract Line Item, Opportunity and Account objects in Accounting and Billing Central as well as other associated objects. For more information, see Calculated Fields.

Billing Documents

The Billing Documents flow includes calculated and non-calculated fields from objects in Accounting and Billing Central.

Order and Inventory Management

The Order and Inventory Management dataset includes calculated and non-calculated fields from the following objects in Order and Inventory Management.

Financial Plans

The Financial Plans dataset includes fields that are extracted from Extended Planning and Analysis plans, and are available in the Financial Balances dataset. For more information, see Financial Plans Dataset Overview.


The lenses included in Business Analytics.

KPIs Quick Reference

This is a summary of the KPI groupings which are available and their associated KPIs. For more information, see KPIs Table.

Transformed Fields

Fields containing the suffix (s) have been transformed in some way. This is a summary of the transformed fields in Financial Analytics.

Date Fields

If time zone support is enabled, Date/Time field values are converted to date values according to the time zone you specify as the default Analytics time zone in your org. For more information about enabling custom time zones, see the Salesforce Help.