Creating an AP Voucher Credit

You can credit an AP voucher from the AP voucher record page. You can issue an AP voucher credit following the receipt of a credit from your supplier. The AP voucher status remains as "Matched" when the credit is applied and, depending on whether the AP voucher is partially or fully credited, the credit status changes to "Partially Credited" or "Fully Credited". The status of the purchase orders and purchase order lines remains as "Closed". The amounts vouchered on the purchase orders and purchase order lines update to show the original amount minus the credited amount.

To create an AP voucher credit:

The system ensures that when an AP voucher credit is created, the appropriate financial transactions are created so the credit action is accounted for correctly. See Accrual Transactions for more information.


If Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector is installed in your org, a payable credit note might be automatically created from the AP voucher credit. For more information, see AP Voucher Credits to Payable Credit Notes.