Receiving from an AP Voucher

You can receive the purchase order from the AP Voucher detail page. Drop shipClosed A retail supply chain management technique where the seller does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers orders and shipment details to either the manufacturer or wholesaler, who then ships the goods directly to the customer. items are delivered to customers or suppliers and will not be received into your organization. No receipt is issued but the purchase order must be updated from the AP voucher before it can be matched. The AP voucher lines are locked after the AP voucher status is updated to received.

To receive a purchase order from an AP voucher:

  1. Navigate to the detail page for the AP voucher from which you want to receive a purchase order.
  2. Click Receive. Using ClassicClosed  Click Receive AP Voucher.
  3. Click Confirm.

The status of the AP voucher changes from New to Received.

Reversing an AP Voucher Receipt

You can reverse the receipt of a drop ship AP voucher before it has been matched.

The following table describes the changes that occur when you reverse a drop ship AP voucher receipt.

Changes When Reversing AP Voucher Receipt


Changes following Reversal of Drop Ship AP Voucher Receipt
AP Voucher

The AP voucher status updates to New.

The quantity received on each of the AP voucher lines updates to zero.
Related Purchase Order The quantity received of the related purchase order lines reduces by the sum of the quantities of the AP voucher lines.
If the quantity received of the related purchase order line reduces to zero, the status of the line updates to Open.
If the quantity received of the related purchase order line is more than zero after the reduction, the status of the line updates to Partially Received.
The status of the purchase order updates to Approved.

Related Sales Order

The quantity shipped for each related sales order line is reduced by the quantity of the related AP voucher line that is being unreceived.
If the quantity shipped reduces to less than zero and the related sales order item is of type intangible, the quantity shipped will be set to zero.
If the quantity shipped is reduced to zero, the sales order line status updates to New.
If the quantity shipped is still more than, zero the sales order line status updates to Partially Shipped.

The shipment status of the sales order header updates depending on the statuses of the sales order lines:

  • If all the sales order lines have a status of New, the sales order status updates to Open.
  • If the status of any of the sales order lines is Shipped or Partially Shipped the sales order status updates to Partially Shipped.

To reverse the receipt of an AP voucher:

  1. Navigate to the detail page for the AP voucher you want to reverse.
  2. Click Reverse. Using ClassicClosed  Click Reverse AP Voucher Receipt.
  3. Click Confirm. Using ClassicClosed  Click Reverse AP Voucher Receipt.

If you have created a new AP voucher line using the New Voucher Line button, the new line appears on the related sales order as an Accounting line type. When the AP voucher is reversed, the new voucher line is removed from the sales order. If you subsequently receive the AP voucher again, the line is added again to the sales order.

If you have created a single purchase order with lines from more than one sales order and then create and receive an AP voucher for that purchase order, the status of the related sales orders updates to Shipped and the shipment status updates to Fulfilled. When you reverse the receipt of this AP voucher, the shipment status for both sales orders updates to Open and the quantity shipped updates to zero.