AP Voucher Fields

AP vouchers are used to control payments to suppliers and service providers. AP vouchers are created for internal purchases and drop ship purchases.

For more information about:

Here is a description of the fields on the AP Voucher object.

Key: * – Mandatory field; A - Automatically populated when you calculate tax using Avalara AvaTax; R – Read-only.

AP Voucher Fields

AP Voucher Fields
Field Name   Description
Accounting Date   This field will be populated with the date that the payable invoice related to the AP Voucher is posted.
AP Voucher Name R The number assigned to the AP voucher prefixed with "APV".
Credit Status   The current credit status of the AP voucher. Can be one of the following: "Not Credited", "Partially Credited" or "Fully Credited".
Due Date * The date the invoice must be paid.
Export Error   The details of any errors that occurred during the export process.
Export Status  

The current status of the process that exports the AP voucher to another system. The following statuses are available:

  • "New": initial status, indicates that no attempt to export has been made.
  • "Export in Progress": indicates that the export process has started and is running.
  • "Exported": indicates the export process has completed successfully.

If the export process has not completed successfully an appropriate error message will be displayed in the export error field. This field is populated automatically.

External Tax Status A

The status of the tax calculation when using an external system to calculate tax for the AP voucher. The following statuses are available:

  • "Not Calculated": initial status
  • "Calculated": indicates that tax has been calculated for the AP voucher.
  • "Posted": indicates that tax has been posted in the external tax system. If you use Avalara, the transaction is not included in reports and returns at this point.
  • "Committed": indicates that the tax has been committed in the external tax system and can no longer be changed. If you use Avalara, the transaction is included in reports and returns at this point.
  • "Voided": indicates that the tax was initially committed in the external system but has been canceled. If you use Avalara, the transaction is no longer included in reports and returns.
External Tax Status Last Updated A The date and time when the External Tax Status field was last updated.
External Tax Transaction ID A The unique identifier of the transaction that represents the AP voucher in the external tax calculation system.
Foreign Invoice Number   The voucher number in the accounting system.
Invoice Date * The date on the supplier invoice.
Invoice Total   The sum of the amounts on the AP voucher lines excluding tax.
Number of Lines   The number of lines on the AP voucher.
Owner   The owner of the record. This defaults to the user who creates the AP voucher.
Posting Tax to Avalara Optional R

For system use. Indicates whether posting tax to Avalara AvaTax is optional. Used to determine the visibility of the Post Tax and Commit Tax buttons on the AP Voucher Lightning page.

This is set from the Tax Calculation Settings page. For more information, see OIM Tax Calculation Settings Fields.

We recommend that you not add this field to any page layouts.

Purchase Order   The purchase order that this AP voucher references. You cannot edit this field if the AP voucher already contains lines.
Purchase Order Type R The type of the purchase order related to the supplier site that the AP voucher references. This field is automatically populated when a new line is added and automatically updated if the line is edited or deleted.
Registered Date   The date the AP voucher was created.
Status   The status of this voucher. "New" indicates it has not been completed. "Matched" indicates that this voucher is ready to be sent to the financial system.
Supplier Invoice Number * The supplier invoice to be vouchered.
Supplier Site   The supplier site that issued the invoice. If you leave this field blank, it is automatically populated with the selected purchase order supplier site when the AP voucher is saved. You cannot edit this field if the AP voucher has an export status of "Exported".
Terms   Terms for the purchase order as defined on the purchase order.
Total Amount Credited   The total amount credited on the AP voucher.
Total Tax A The current amount of tax on the AP voucher.
Total Voucher   The sum of the amounts on the AP voucher lines excluding tax.
Total Voucher with Tax   Total value of the AP voucher including tax.

AP Voucher Line Fields

Here is a description of the fields on the AP Voucher Line Items object.

Note: In AP Voucher line items grid, when the status is "New", only the Quantity Vouchered field is editable. If you want to edit the field values for other fields in the field set as well as custom fields, you can do so from the AP Voucher line record.
AP Voucher Line Fields
Field Name   Description
Accounting Item   A look up to the item master. This is used to add an item to an AP voucher line that is not on the original purchase order. Text wrapping limits column width column width to avoid horizontal scrolling.
AP Voucher   The header associated with this invoice line item.
AP Voucher Line Name   The number assigned to the AP voucher line prefixed with "APL".
Capital Equipment   This field will be populated with the fixed asset numbers, comma separated, related to the AP voucher line.
Delivery Method   Designates how this will be delivered.
Description   A description of the AP voucher line item.
Item Description   A description of the AP voucher line item. Text wrapping limits the table column width to reduce the requirement for horizontal scrolling. This enables you to view all the line information when adding new AP voucher lines from a purchase order.
Editable AP Voucher Line Name   For system use. Used to enable the Foundations Transform service to edit the record.
Extended PPVClosed Purchase Price Variance   Extended PPV = PPV x quantity.
Extended Price   Extended Price = Unit price x quantity.
Is Capital Equipment   Indicates whether the FAM records will be created for associated AP Voucher lines. This checkbox is selected as default.
Item   The item name.
Item Being Procured   The item name. Text wrapping limits the table column width to reduce the requirement for horizontal scrolling. This enables you to view all the line information when adding new AP voucher lines from a purchase order.
Line Number   The number of the AP voucher line.
Line Type   The record type of the AP voucher line.
Non-Receivable   Item on invoice that is not receivable or not on the purchase order.
Override Avalara Tax Code   The Avalara tax code used for the item. When defined, the value is used to calculate tax for the line item in AvaTax. When this is not defined, the tax code is determined from AvaTax code to product group mappings. This is stored in the Tax Code field. For more information, see AvaTax Code to Product Group Mappings.
Purchase Order Line Item   The purchase order line item that this invoice line references.
Quantity Ordered   The quantity on the purchase order.
Quantity Received   The quantity received from the supplier.
Quantity Vouchered   The quantity vouchered.
Received Date   The date the item was received, or the date it was shipped on a drop ship order. This defaults to today.
Sales Order   The sales order associated with this purchase order line.
Serial Numbers L

Used to enter a block of serial numbers at once rather than individual serial numbers. To enter serial numbers, click the Edit in the field. In the Add Serial Numbers window, specify a delimiter that you wish to use to separate the serial numbers. Enter the serial numbers separated by a delimiter.

  • You can add serial numbers only for the items that are serialized.
  • The count of serial numbers cannot exceed the quantity vouchered.
  • You cannot duplicate serial numbers for the same item.
  • You can edit a serial number only when they are in “New” status and the purchase order associated with the lines is “Approved Drop Ship”.
Tax A The amount of tax on the AP voucher line.
Tax Code A

The tax code used on the AP voucher line.

If tax calculation using Avalara AvaTax is enabled in your org, this is the Avalara tax code for the line. The code is automatically populated using the predefined mappings, according to the item being sold and the delivery method. For more information, see AvaTax Code to Product Group Mappings.

Tax Rate A The tax rate used on the AP voucher line.
Tax Name 1-3 A The name of the tax that applies to this AP voucher line. You can use up to three fields to represent the state, county, and city tax authorities.
Tax Rate 1-3 A The tax rate to use when calculating tax for this AP voucher line. This enables you to view a breakdown of the tax rates applied per jurisdiction.
Tax Value 1-3 A The tax value calculated from the corresponding tax rate. This enables you to view a breakdown of the calculated tax values per jurisdiction.
Unit PPV   This is the unit price difference between the unit price on the purchase order line and the unit price on the AP Voucher line.
Unit Price   Unit price of the item.
Use Code  

Specifies the tax exemption reason for the AP voucher line.

When calculating tax using Avalara AvaTax, this is sent to Avalara and recorded on the resulting transaction.


AP Voucher Buttons
Button Name   Description
Match AP Voucher/ Match  

Matches an AP voucher and validates it:

  • Against the purchase order and the supplier invoice for drop ship purchases.
  • Against the purchase order, the supplier invoice and the receipt for internal purchase orders.
For more information, see Matching an AP Voucher.
Receive AP Voucher/ Receive   Receives a purchase order from an AP voucher. This is applicable for drop ship items. For more information, see Receiving from an AP Voucher.
Reverse AP Voucher Receipt/ Reverse   Reverses the receipt of a drop ship AP voucher before it has been matched. For more information, see Reversing an AP Voucher Receipt.
Add Serial Number/ Serial Numbers  

Opens the Serial Numbers modal, this enables you to add or update the serial numbers on an AP voucher line for drop ship items. Specify a delimiter that you will use to separate the serial numbers.

  • The count of serial numbers cannot exceed the quantity vouchered.
  • You cannot duplicate serial numbers for the same item.
  • You can edit a serial number only when they are in “New” status and the purchase order associated with the lines is “Approved Drop Ship”.
Void AP Voucher/ Void   Voids a matched AP voucher and creates an AP voucher credit for all the lines that appear on the AP voucher. For more information, see Voiding an AP Voucher.

Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience.

AP Voucher Buttons in Lightning Experience
Button Name   Description
Calculate Tax L Calculates tax for the AP voucher using the external tax calculation service. For more information, see Calculating Tax for an AP Voucher Using Avalara AvaTax.
Cancel Tax L Cancels tax for the AP voucher in the external tax calculation system. For more information, see Canceling Tax for an AP Voucher in Avalara AvaTax.
Create Payable Invoice L

Creates a payable invoice in Accounting from the AP voucher. For more information, see AP Vouchers to Payable Invoices.


You can only perform this action if the Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector is installed in your org.

Commit Tax L Commits tax for the AP voucher in the external tax calculation system. For more information, see Posting and Committing Tax for an AP Voucher in Avalara AvaTax.
Post Tax L Posts tax for the AP voucher to the external tax calculation system. For more information, see Posting and Committing Tax for an AP Voucher in Avalara AvaTax.
Serial Numbers L

Opens the Serial Numbers modal, this enables you to add or update the serial numbers on an AP voucher line for drop ship items. Specify a delimiter that you will use to separate the serial numbers.

  • The count of serial numbers cannot exceed the quantity vouchered.
  • You cannot duplicate serial numbers for the same item.
  • You can edit a serial number only when they are in “New” status and the purchase order associated with the lines is “Approved Drop Ship”.

Here is a description of the buttons on the AP Voucher Line Items grid.

Key: L - Only available in Lightning Experience

AP Voucher Line Items Grid Buttons

Button Name



Search this grid


Enter a few letters or words to search in the grid records.

The search option is available only on the AP Voucher Line Items Lightning Experience page.


Deletes the selected line.

Add Accounting Line


Displays the New AP Voucher Line: Accounting window in Lightning. This window enables you to add new Accounting type AP Voucher lines to an AP Voucher.

Add Lines from Purchase Order


Displays the Add Lines from Purchase Order Lines window in Lightning. This window enables you to add lines from a purchase order to your AP Voucher.



Credits the selected AP Voucher lines. You can credit an AP voucher line after your supplier has issued a credit. You can only credit the "Not Credited" and "Partially Credited" AP Voucher lines.



When you click Cancel you will be prompted to either continue editing or discard changes. Click Discard to cancel the unsaved changes.



Saves the lines. 

Extension Packages That Add Fields to the AP Voucher Object

Several Certinia extension packages add fields and buttons to the AP Voucher object. For more information, follow the relevant links.

Extension Packages

Extension Package

Further Information

Order and Inventory Management – FinancialForce Connector AP Voucher Fields
Order and Inventory Management Direct for Avalara AP Voucher Fields