Generating Billing Events for a Project

You can generate billing events for a single project by using:

  • The Generate Billing Events link on the project's record page.
  • The Projects Awaiting Billing tab, which is available from the App Builder if you have the correct permissions.

Contact your administrator if these are not available.

  • The main procedure is for users of record pages supplied by Certinia from Fall 2020.
  • From Fall 2020, if you are not using the pages supplied by Certinia, your administrator can add the PSA Actions: Project Billing component to the project record page.
  • When Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, you must be as specific as possible when searching for Shield Platform Encryption supported fields to ensure matching results are found.

Selecting Eligible Billing Records for Billing Event Generation

To generate billing events for a project, do one of the following:

  • On a project record, click Actions | Project Billing | Generate Billing Events.
  • On the Projects Awaiting Billing tab, select a row in the grid that contains the project to generate billing events for, and then click Generate Project Billing.

    The Generate Billing Events window opens. By default, the All Records Eligible for Billing checkbox is selected. All objects that contain eligible billing records are shown in the Eligible Billing Records to Include field.

  1. [Optional] To restrict the records to include in the billing event, remove items from the Eligible Billing Records to Include field.
  2. To exclude eligible records with a zero amount total in the billing event, select Exclude Zero Amount Records. You will not be able to review and include those records before generating the billing event.
  3. [Optional] Select a date range for the records to include in the billing event.
  4. Click Next.
  5. By default, the option Preview and select records is selected. This enables you to select specific records for your selected objects in other windows. Go to step 8.

    Alternatively, select Generate all to open the summary of all of the eligible record totals. Go to step 9.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Click to open the Filters panel and filter the business records that you want to include in the billing event. The dates that you selected are carried through to the filters in these windows.

    A sequence of windows enables you to filter, sort, reorder, and select records to be included in the billing event. The dates that you selected are carried through to the filters in these windows. When completed, the summary window displays the billing event details.

    The Filters panel fields can be configured using the Configuration Options in the Billing Configuration Group For more details, contact your administrator.

    For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

    Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


    If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.

    You can click Show Selected to show only your selected records. To return to the list of all records, click Show All. Your records are still selected.

    If a record is edited outside the billing generation process, the change is not reflected in the selection or summary windows when you return to the process. However, you can still generate the billing event, which uses the edited information.

    The summary window displays the details of your selected records. If you have selected more records than the limit that your administrator has set for a billing event, more than one billing event is generated.

    Billable hours are only shown if you have selected timecard split records.

  8. [Optional] Select the Add Billing Event Items to an Existing Billing Event checkbox. If there is capacity in an existing billing event, the billing event items are added to it. If you do not select this, only new billing events are created.

    If you want to know the capacity of billing events, ask your administrator to check the value in configuration option maxBEIsPerBE.

  9. Click Generate.

Customizing Columns in Selection Windows

You can show, hide, sort, and group columns in the record selection windows by right-clicking a column, and then selecting an option.

Your column preferences are retained if you use the same browser on the same computer.

Note: If your administrator has set the configuration option group-be-by-master-project to true, all eligible business records for the project hierarchy are shown on the billing event record, not just for the selected project. The resulting billing event is for the master project in the project hierarchy.