Budget Consumption by Miscellaneous Adjustments

The following information is important if you are using budget allocations and your business records include miscellaneous adjustments.

The budget allocation assigned to a miscellaneous adjustment identifies budgets for expenses, revenue, and cost. The budget that a miscellaneous adjustment's amount is allocated to depends on the miscellaneous adjustment's transaction category.

  • If the transaction category is included in the billable-expense-budget-categories configuration option in the Miscellaneous Adjustment configuration group, the Amount is treated as a billable expense and is allocated to the billable expenses budget. The Pass-Through Ready-to-Bill Revenue transaction category is included in this configuration option by default.
  • If the transaction category is included in the non-billable-expense-budget-categories configuration option in the Miscellaneous Adjustment configuration group, the Amount is treated as a non-billable expense and is allocated to the non-billable expenses budget. No transaction categories are included in this configuration option by default.
  • If the transaction category is included in the BillingsCategories configuration option in the Actuals configuration group, the Amount is treated as a billable value and is allocated to the customer purchase order budget. The Ready-to-Bill Revenue transaction category is included in this configuration option by default.
  • If the transaction category is included in the InternalCostsCategories or OtherCostsCategories configuration option in the Actuals configuration group, the Amount is treated as a cost value and is allocated to the internal budgets. The Internal Cost and Other Cost transaction categories are included in these configuration options by default.

If you want PSA to automatically allocate miscellaneous adjustments with other transaction categories to these budgets, you must add the categories to the relevant configuration option.


If you add a transaction category to non-billable-expense-budget-categories in the Miscellaneous Adjustment configuration group, you must also add it to ExpenseCostsCategories in the Actuals configuration group. This is necessary for calculating Actuals.

Transaction Category Is Included in More than One Configuration Option

A transaction category might be included in more than one configuration option. To ensure that a miscellaneous adjustment's amount is not allocated to more than one budget, PSA checks the configuration options in the following order of priority:

  1. billable-expense-budget-categories
  2. non-billable-expense-budget-categories
  3. BillingsCategories
  4. InternalCostsCategories and OtherCostsCategories.

When the first configuration option containing the transaction category is found, PSA allocates the miscellaneous adjustment's amount to the associated budget. For example, if the transaction category is first found in billable-expense-budget-categories, the miscellaneous adjustment's amount is allocated to the billable expenses budget. Whereas if the transaction category is first found in BillingsCategories, the miscellaneous adjustment's amount is allocated to the customer purchase order budget. This means that a miscellaneous adjustment's amount is allocated to one budget only.