Setting up PSA to Track Consumption of Individual Budgets

You can track the consumption of individual budgets based on the milestones, timecard splits, expenses, and miscellaneous adjustments which are allocated to them. You do this by using budget allocations.


Budget allocations do not support vendor purchase order budgets, or work order budgets.

To set up PSA to track the consumption of individual budgets:

  1. Ensure that the budgets you intend to track are set up in your project:
    • To track billable values on milestones, timecard splits, and miscellaneous adjustments, your project must have at least one budget of type "Customer Purchase Order".
    • To track internal cost values on timecard splits and miscellaneous adjustments, your project must have at least one budget of type "Internal Budget".
    • To track billable expenses, your project must have at least one budget of type "Billable Expenses" or "Customer Purchase Order".
    • To track non-billable expenses, your project must have at least one budget of type "Non-Billable Expenses"or "Internal Budget".
  2. Create a budget allocation identifying the budgets you want to track. For details of how to create budget allocations, see Creating a Budget Allocation.

    If you have no need to apportion costs between two or three internal budgets, your administrator can remove the following fields from the Budget Allocation Layout page layout: Internal Budget 1 Percent Allocation, Internal Budget 2, Internal Budget 2 Percent Allocation, Internal Budget 3, Internal Budget 3 Percent Allocation.

  3. Assign the budget allocation to the relevant milestones, timecard splits, expenses, and miscellaneous adjustments in your project. For more information, see Assigning Budget Allocations.

The budgets identified in the budget allocation are consumed when the milestones, timecard splits, expenses, and miscellaneous adjustments are included in financials (usually on approval). This causes PSA to automatically allocate their values to the related budgets as detailed in . The value in the Amount Consumed field on each affected budget updates automatically to include the latest allocated amounts.


Check that your miscellaneous adjustment transaction categories are set up appropriately. For more information, see Budget Consumption by Miscellaneous Adjustments.

Remove Access to the Project Billing Page


In addition to the steps above, we recommend you remove access to the Project Billing page. This is because PSA now groups billing events by customer reference (see Passing Customer References through to Billing Events). The billing events created via the Project Billing page are not grouped by customer reference and therefore will fail validation when you try to release them.

To remove access to the Project Billing page:

  • Ensure that the Project Billing button is not included in the action buttons available on a project header.
  • Edit the project record page in the Lightning App Builder. Select the PSA Actions: Project Billing component and deselect Show Project Billing. This removes the Project Billing link from the Actions | Project Billing component on the project record page.