New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Core Analytics Summer 2024

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2024 release of PS Cloud Core Analytics.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to PS Cloud Core Analytics Summer 2024. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Enhancements in PS Cloud Core Analytics

The following new features have been introduced in the Summer 2024 release of PS Cloud Core Analytics.

Dataflow Performance Improvements

We have made the following improvements to dataflow performance.

Limit Data Entering the Dataflow

We have introduced the ability to apply a historical data limit to the number of EvAs included in the creation of your core app. Now, you can choose to include the following from your PS Cloud Analytics Setup record:

  • All historical and future EvAs
  • All future EvAs, plus historical EvAs from the previous year

  • All future EvAs, plus historical EvAs from the previous two years

You can also now apply date filters to your sync nodes to limit the volume of data that loads to the Analytics platform.

Limiting data volumes in either of these ways can improve the speed of your dataflow, enabling faster app creation.

For more information, see PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields and Managing Your PS Cloud Core Analytics Dataflows.

Project Reporting Fields for Customer Analysis

We've added a number of fields to the Project Reporting dataset to enable you to effectively analyze your data as follows:

  • Source fields have been added from the Assignment, Milestone, and Project Task objects in PSA, which enable you to track the source of these project elements back to their originating template so that you can analyze how accurate the template is and improve it for future use.
  • Budget allocation fields have been added from the Assignment, Expense, Milestone, Miscellaneous Adjustment, and Timecard objects in PSA, which enable you to track the burndown of individual revenue and cost budgets, giving you detailed financial reporting at project level.

For more information, see Project Reporting Dataset PS Cloud Analytics Input Fields and Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields.

Enhancements to the PSA Project Billings Dashboard

The following enhancements have been made to the PSA Project Billings dashboard:

  • The bars in the Available to Bill Bar Chart and the Aging Summary Bar Chart are now segmented by billing status.
  • You can click a segment in the Available to Bill Bar Chart to facet the data displayed in the dashboard. For example, click the On Hold segment for expenses to have the dashboard display only information about expenses that are on hold for billing.
  • You can click a segment in the Aging Summary Bar Chart to facet the data displayed in the dashboard. For example, click the On Hold segment for 30-60 days to have the dashboard display only information about business records in the 30-60 days aging bucket that are on hold for billing.
  • You can click a segment in each chart to facet on a combination of object type and aging bucket. For example, click the On Hold segment for expenses, and click the 30-60 aging bucket. The Available to Bill Detail then updates to show only expenses that are on hold for billing and ended 30-60 days ago.
  • You can filter the data in the Available to Bill Detail grid by billing status, object type, resource name, milestone name, and record name. Applying filters to the grid has no effect on the data displayed in the Available to Bill and Aging Summary bar charts.

For more information, see PSA Project Billings Dashboard.