Upgrading to PS Cloud Core Analytics Summer 2024

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Summer 2024.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Summer 2024, see New Features and Enhancements in PS Cloud Core Analytics Summer 2024.


To use a new feature or enhancement, you must upgrade your PS Cloud Analytics app. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

Upgrading to PS Cloud Core Analytics

To upgrade to the new features for PS Cloud Core Analytics, see the below topics.

Dataflow Performance Improvements

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2024, take the following action.

Upgrading Actions in Summer 2024


Further Information

Add the EvA Historical Data Limit field to the PS Cloud Analytics Setup page layout.

PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App

Included in this Feature

Field Added to the PS Cloud Analytics Setup Object in Summer 2024
Field Name Further Information
EvA Historical Data Limit PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields
Fields Added to the Project Reporting Dataset in Summer 2024
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Date Recognition Transaction Rec. Date RecognitionTransactionLineRecognizedDate The recognized date on the recognition transaction line.
Dimension Assignment Budget Allocation ID AssignmentBudgetAllocationID

The identifier of the budget allocation for the assignment.

Assignment Budget Allocation Name AssignmentBudgetAllocationName The name of the budget allocation for the assignment.
Assignment Source Assignment ID AssignmentSourceAssignmentID The identifier of the templated assignment.
Assignment Source Assignment Name AssignmentSourceAssignmentName The name of the templated assignment.
Expense Budget Allocation ID ExpenseBudgetAllocationID The identifier of the budget allocation for the expense.
Expense Budget Allocation Name ExpenseBudgetAllocationName The name of the budget allocation for the expense.
Milestone Budget Allocation ID MilestoneBudgetAllocationID The identifier of the budget allocation for the milestone.
Milestone Budget Allocation Name MilestoneBudgetAllocationName The name of the budget allocation for the milestone.
Milestone Source Milestone ID MilestoneSourceMilestoneID The identifier of the templated milestone.
Milestone Source Milestone Name MilestoneSourceMilestoneName The name of the templated milestone.
Misc Adjustment Budget Allocation ID MiscAdjustmentBudgetAllocationID The identifier of the budget allocation for the miscellaneous adjustment.
Misc Adjustment Budget Allocation Name MiscAdjustmentBudgetAllocationName The name of the budget allocation for the miscellaneous adjustment.
Project Task Source Project Task ID ProjectTaskSourceProjectTaskID The identifier of the templated project task.
Project Task Source Project Task Name ProjectTaskSourceProjectTaskName The name of the templated project task.
Recognition Transaction Currency RecognitionTransactionCurrency The currency of the recognition transaction.
Recognition Transaction Line Account RecognitionTransactionLineAccount The Balance Sheet account on the recognition transaction line.
Recognition Transaction Line Company RecognitionTransactionLineCompany The company on the recognition transaction line.
Recognition Transaction Line Recognized Amount (Project Currency) ValueRecognitionTransactionLineRecognizedAmountProjectCurrency The ffrr__InternalAmount__c on the recognition transaction line, in project currency.
Recognized Record ID RecognitionTransactionLineRecognizedRecordId The ID of the source record that the recognition transaction line relates to.
Timecard Budget Allocation ID TimecardBudgetAllocationID The identifier of the budget allocation for the timecard.
Timecard Budget Allocation Name TimecardBudgetAllocationName The name of the budget allocation for the timecard.
Task Time Notes

pse__Monday_Notes__c, pse__Tuesday_Notes__c, pse__Wednesday_Notes__c, pse__Thursday_Notes__c, pse__Friday_Notes__c, pse__Saturday_Notes__c, pse__Sunday_Notes__c


Daily notes entered against the project task.
Measure Amount Billed (Project Currency) ValueAmountBilledProjectCurrency The billable amount of a timecard, milestone, expense, or miscellaneous adjustment that has been billed. The amount is in project currency.
Amount Billed Recognized (Project Currency) ValueAmountBilledRecognizedProjectCurrency The ffrr__InternalAmount__c on the recognition transaction line linked to a timecard, milestone, expense, or miscellaneous adjustment that has been billed. The amount is in project currency.
Amount Unbilled Recognized (Project Currency) ValueAmountUnbilledRecognizedProjectCurrency The ffrr__InternalAmount__c on the recognition transaction line linked to a timecard, milestone, expense, or miscellaneous adjustment that is unbilled. The amount is in project currency.

For more information about all the fields available in the Project Reporting dataset, see Project Reporting Dataset Output Fields.

Enhancements to the PSA Project Billings Dashboard

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Summer 2024, take the following action.

Upgrading Actions in Summer 2024


Further Information

Add the EvA Historical Data Limit field to the PS Cloud Analytics Setup page layout.

PS Cloud Analytics Setup Fields

Update your PS Cloud Core Analytics app.

Updating Your PS Cloud Core Analytics App
Output Fields Added to the Project Reporting Dataset in Summer 2024
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Dimension Billing Event Item BillingEventItem

Identifies the billing event item (if any) created for the expense, milestone, miscellaneous adjustment, or timecard.

If a billing event item exists but is not released, the PSA Project Billings dashboard includes the business record in the "Pending Release" segment of its stacked bar charts.

Billing Hold BillingHold

Indicates whether billing for the expense, milestone, miscellaneous adjustment, or timecard is on hold.

If true, the PSA Project Billings dashboard includes the business record in the "On Hold" segment of its stacked bar charts.