Automation Configuration Overview

An automation configuration enables you to run a sequence of recognition schedule processes automatically, from generating and recognizing recognition schedules through to creating Accounting journals. By saving an automation configuration, you can run the same sequence of processes with the same parameters at regular intervals. This means you can be sure that source records are processed in the same way every time the automation configuration runs, regardless of who runs it.

When defining an automation configuration, you can:

  • Filter by company, currency, and recognition stream.
  • Select the processes to start from and end at.
  • Specify the cutoff period for selecting schedule lines for recognition, and the period into which recognized values are committed.
  • Specify whether to summarize recognition transactions.

For information about how to create and run automation configurations, see Using the Revenue Management Automation.

Scheduling Automation Configurations to Run Regularly

You can schedule automation configurations to run at regular cadences. For example, you might want to generate and recognize your recognition schedules on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. When you schedule an automation configuration, a process schedule record is created. The Next Due field on an active process schedule shows the date and time when it is next due to run.

When a process schedule runs, a log is created. The log contains information about the outcome of the scheduled process. For more information, see Scheduling Automation Configurations.


You must set up the Execute RM Process Schedules job to run process schedules that are due. Depending on when you configure this job to run, there might be some delay before process schedules run. For more information, see Configuring a Job to Run Process Schedules.