Schedule Automation Fields

Use the Schedule Automation window to schedule an automation configuration to run at regular intervals. The fields in the Schedule Automation window are described below. For more information, see Scheduling Automation Configurations.

Field Description
Schedule Type

Choose how the schedule will be configured:

  • Calendar - Define the schedule relative to calendar days, weeks, or months.

  • Recognition Period - Define the schedule relative to the end date of recognition periods.

Schedule Name

Enter a name for the schedule.


Select this checkbox if you want the schedule to be available for running. An automation configuration can have more than one active schedule.

Additional Fields When Schedule Type Is Calendar

The following fields become available when the Schedule Type is Calendar.

Field Description
Schedule Frequency Choose how often the schedule will run, and set its start time: 
  • Daily: Set the time you want the schedule to run each day.

  • Weekly: Set the time you want the schedule to run on one or more days of each week.

  • Monthly: Set the time you want the schedule to run, and select a Monthly Method to determine the day it will run each month.

Schedule Start Time

The time of day the schedule will be run, on the days specified by Schedule Frequency. The schedule will run according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

When Schedule Frequency is Weekly, choose the days of the week when the schedule will run.

Monthly Method

When Schedule Frequency is Monthly, choose the method for calculating the day the schedule will run each month:

  • "Last Day of Month": The schedule will run on the last calendar day of each month, even if the last day is a Saturday or Sunday.

  • "Date": The schedule will run on the day specified in the Day of the Month field. For example, enter 12 in the Day of the Month field to always run the schedule on the twelfth day of each month.

  • "Day of the Month": The schedule will run according to the pattern defined using the Day of the Month and Day of the Week drop-downs. For example, the last Friday of every month.

  • "Days Before Month End": The schedule will run on the specified number of calendar days before month end. For example, enter 3 in the Number of Days field to run the schedule on January 28, February 25 (non-leap year), March 28, April 27, and so on.


    If you enter 1 in the Number of Days field, the schedule will run on the penultimate day of each month. If you want the schedule to run on the last day of each month, use the "Last Day of Month" method.

Additional Fields When Schedule Type Is Recognition Period

The following fields become available when the Schedule Type is Recognition Period.

Field Description
Period End Offset (Days)

The number of days relative to the period end date, that defines when the schedule will be run. For example, enter 3 to run three days after the period end date, -3 to run three days before the period end date, or 0 to run on the period end date. You can enter a minimum value of -30, and a maximum value of 30.


Schedule Start Time

The time of day the schedule will be run, on the day specified by Period End Offset (Days). The schedule will run according to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


Button Description

Close the Schedule Automation window without saving your changes.



Save the schedule with the selected parameters. A process schedule record is created to store the schedule information.