Configuring a Job to Run Process Schedules

When you schedule an automation configuration, the schedule details are stored in a process schedule record. If the schedule is active, the process schedule's Next Due field shows the date and time when it is next due to run. In order for process schedules to run, the Execute RM Process Schedules job must be configured to run. You can configure the Execute RM Process Schedules job via the Foundations Setup page. You can also use the API to run due process schedules.

Depending on when you configure the Execute RM Process Schedules job to run, there might be a delay before process schedules run. For example, you might schedule an automation configuration to run at 22:00 each day; the process schedule is active and its Next Due field shows 22:00 today. If the Execute RM Process Schedules job is configured to run at 20:00 each day, because your process schedule is not due until 22:00 it will not be picked up until the job runs at 20:00 tomorrow. We recommend you configure the Execute RM Process Schedules job to run regularly to avoid significant delays.

When a process schedule runs, a log is created. The log's status indicates if the process schedule ran successfully, was skipped, or failed with an error. When a process schedule is skipped, its Next Due date is recalculated. The schedule is skipped in the following scenarios:

  • If multiple process schedules are due to run for a single automation configuration, only the oldest process schedule is run. The other schedules are skipped because they are effectively duplicates. This can happen if the Execute RM Process Schedules job was not called when the process schedule was previously due to run.
  • If a process schedule is due to run, but the automation configuration's Last Run Date field shows that it has been run more recently than the process schedule's Next Due date, the process schedule is skipped. This can happen if you manually run the automation configuration.

When an automation configuration runs, you can monitor the processes that are currently running by selecting the Active RM Background Processes list view on the Revenue Management Background Processes tab.

Configuring the Execute RM Process Schedules Job via Foundations Setup

Execute RM Process Schedules is a Foundations scheduled job that runs active process schedules with a Next Due date and time in the past. You can configure it on the Scheduled Jobs tab of the Foundations Setup page. For more information, see Configuring a Scheduled Job.

Using the API to Run Process Schedules

The ProcessScheduleService is a global API that allows you to run process schedules. The runDueSchedules method will run any active process schedule with a Next Due date and time in the past.

For more information about using the ProcessScheduleService, see the Revenue Management API Developer Reference which is listed in Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Supported Volumes

The Process Schedule Volume Limit field in the Revenue Management Settings custom setting controls the maximum number of process schedules that can be picked up in a single run. The default value of 15 is the maximum allowed. If you set it to a higher value, it will still be treated as 15. For more information, see the Process Schedule Volume Limit field description in Revenue Management Settings.

If the number of due process schedules exceeds the volume limit, the process schedules with the oldest Next Due date will be run while any remaining schedules will be processed the next time the Execute RM Process Schedules job runs. For example, using the default volume limit of 15, if 20 process schedules are all due to run, the 15 process schedules with the oldest Next Due date will be run when the job runs. The remaining five process schedules will not run and their Next Due date will stay the same. They will therefore become the oldest process schedules that need running and will be processed the next time the job runs. If you do not want to wait for the job to run again, you can configure it to run more often.

The exact number of supported process schedules varies depending on whether any customizations are implemented in your org, the size and complexity of your automation configurations, and platform limits. If you regularly exceed the maximum number of process schedules that can be picked up by the Execute RM Process Schedules job, try configuring it to run more often. If you encounter platform limits, try reducing the Process Schedule Volume Limit. This will mean that fewer process schedules are picked up when the job runs so you might need to configure it to run more often.