Resource Request Fields

Here is a description of the fields and buttons on a resource requestClosed A means of asking for resources for a project or an opportunity. record.


Some of these fields might not be visible or editable at all times, or in all package combinations.

If a resource request is the master resource request in a resource request set, you cannot delete it.

The currency from the CurrencyIsoCode field of the related rate card record is applied when a rate card has been set on a resource request. If no rate card is specified for a resource request, the currency code is blank.

Resource Request Details Fields

For all the lookup fields, you can also click Show All Results for “ ”. The search lookup window opens with the searched string populated in the Search field and displays all related items in the grid.

Select the item from the grid that you want and click Select. The selected item is then displayed in the lookup field. For more information, see Using Advanced Lookup.


If Shield Platform Encryption is enabled in your org, the records in the Resource, Account, and Opportunity search lookup window are filtered using only the Name field in the grid.

* – Mandatory field
R – Read-only

Resource Request Details Fields
Field   Description
Account   The Account ID. If the opportunity entered when creating the resource request has an accountClosed In this context, accounts are organizations or people that you conduct business with, such as customers or vendors. Account is a standard Salesforce object. Certinia accounts can be any Account Record Type. associated with it, the resource request includes the account ID. If the opportunity doesn't have an account associated with it, but the projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. entered on the resource request does, the resource request is created with the project's account ID.
Account Link   Link to the account associated with the related opportunity or the related project.
AccountId   The ID of the account associated with the related opportunity or the related project.
Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate   If selected, allows prospective candidates to view this resource request and express interest. A maximum of five candidates can express interest. An assignment is not created.
Assignment   The assignment to which the resource request relates. When you copy resource requests from a project template, the related assignment is copied.
Average Cost Rate   Average Cost Rate Currency Code and Average Cost Rate Number combined.
Average Cost Rate Currency Code   Currency to use for the Average Cost Rate Number.
Average Cost Rate Number   Average cost rate for the resource.
Distance Unit   The unit of distance.
Eligible for Schedule Recalculation  

This checkbox is selected automatically when project tasks or their associated tasks are updated, added, or deleted, either on the Salesforce platform or in PSA. Any of these changes make the resource request schedule eligible for recalculation.

To recalculate the resource request schedules on a project record, click Resource Requests | Reschedule Resource Requests. This updates the start and end dates, and requested hours of the PTAs on the eligible resource requests.

The checkbox is deselected after the recalculation.



This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Exclude from Planners   If selected, excludes the resource request from Work Planners and from the Resource and Project Planners. Any excluded resource requests are omitted from totals calculations in all planners and from color coding in the Resource and Project Planners.
Exclude from Utilization   If selected, excludes the resource request from utilization calculations.
Information for Prospective Candidates   Details to help prospective candidates decide whether to self-nominate for this resource request.
Margin   Indicates the resource margin against a resource request.
Match All   Indicates whether the resource is to be matched against all skills on the resource request or against any skills.
Maximum Distance   The maximum limit of the distance between the location of the resource and the resource request site.
Milestone   Milestone to which the resource request applies.
Notes   Place to enter notes.
Number of Resources   Number of resources like this you need.
Opportunity R Opportunity to which the resource request relates.
Opportunity Probability R Opportunity Probability from the opportunity record to which the resource request relates.
Percent Allocated   Proportion of time (as a percentage) the resource will spend on the project. Must correspond with dates and requested hours.
Planned Bill Rate   The bill rate used during planning activities on fixed price resource requests when the actual bill rate is zero.
Preferred Schedule  

The preferred schedule that can be retained when holding or assigning resources on resource requests. When you copy resource requests from a project template, the related preferred schedule is copied. When you create held resource requests, the Preferred Schedule field is used to trigger the automatic generation of estimates versus actuals comparison records.


This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Primary Skill Minimum Rating  

The minimum rating for this primary skill or certification.


This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Primary Skill or Certification  

The primary skill or certification required.


This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.


If your administrator has configured the custom primary skill lookup, the My Columns link appears in the lookup where you can change the columns that appear in the lookup. See custom-primary-skill-lookup and custom-primary-skill-lookup-columns.

Project/Opportunity   Name of the related project/opportunity.
Processing Stage   Indicates the current processing stage of the resource request.
Rate Card   The rate cardClosed Suggested bill rate or average cost rate for a resource role in a region, practice or group. You can use these rates for information purposes in resource requests. number to use to obtain the suggested bill rate and average cost rate number.
Region/Practice/ Group   RPG pool from which this resource should come.
Related Resource Request Staffed On   Date and time on which a resource request in the same resource request set was staffed.
Request Billable Amount   Requested Bill Rate multiplied by the Requested Hours.
Request Priority   Priority of the resource request.
Requested Bill Rate   Bill rate your project will charge for this resource.
Requested Hours   Estimated number of hours for the resource.
Requires Staffing  

This field is automatically selected when the resource request's status is "Ready to Staff", "Held", or "Tentative".

If the resource request has another status, this field is automatically deselected.


The name of the resource that is assigned to the resource request. This field will always be blank for unfilled resource requests. When you copy resource requests from a project template, the related resource is copied.


This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Resource Held  

Indicates whether the resource is to be reserved for this resource request.


This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Resource Request Name  

Name of the resource request.

Resource Request Set   Lookup to the resource request set to which the resource request belongs.
Resource Role * The role of the resource that you are requesting. This picklist must match the corresponding picklist on the resource/contact. If you modify this field on the Resource Request object, you must make sure that the same modifications are made on the Contact object. This field may populate automatically if you generate resource requests based on project tasks.
Self-Nomination Deadline   The closing date for self-nominations.
Shortlist   Lookup to the related shortlist. Contains information about the shortlist and shortlist resources on the resource request.
Source Resource Request   The source resource request from which the resource request is copied. This field is updated only when the resource request is copied from a template.
Staffed Related Resource Request   Lookup to the related resource request in the same resource request set, which has been staffed.
Staffer Approval Required  

When this field is selected, and you add a resource to the Resource field on a resource request, this prevents assignments being automatically created on the resource request. When this field is selected, and you attempt to assign a resource on the Resourcing tab, an error message is displayed.

Start/End Date * Estimated start and end dates.

Status of the resource request. When you copy resource requests from a project template, the status of the resource request is copied.


This field is not supported when customizing fields displayed in the Create Resource Request and Clone Resource Request window in the Work Planner using field sets. For more information, see Work Planner Lightning Component Properties.

Suggested Bill Rate   Suggested Bill Rate Number and Suggested Bill Rate Currency Code fields combined.
Suggested Bill Rate Currency Code   Currency code to use for the Suggested Bill Rate.
Suggested Bill Rate Number   Suggested rate to bill the customer for time booked by the resource.
Suggested Resource   Name of a specific resource that you would like to use.
Update Related Resource Requests   Indicates whether staffing fields on the resource request are updated when another resource request in the same resource request set is staffed. For more information, see Managing Resource Request Sets.
DEPRECATED: Utilization Run   The ID of the utilization run that most recently processed this resource request.

Services CPQ

Additional fields are available for use with Services CPQ. For more information, see Resource Request Fields.

Resource Requests List View Buttons

Resource Requests List View Buttons
Button Description

Add Resource Requests from Template

Copy all or selected resource requests from an existing project to your current project or opportunity. The existing project does not need to be marked as a template.

Assign Selected

Assign one or more selected held resource requests from the list view on the Resource Request page.

Mass Update Resource Requests

Update multiple resource requests which have not been assigned or held on a project or opportunity.

Request Project Resources

Request resources to work on a project from a project record

Request Resources

Request resources to work on a project from an opportunity record.

Reschedule Resource Requests

Recalculate schedules for related resource requests on a project when project tasks or project task assignments have been updated.

View in Resource Planner

Load and preview unheld resource requests in the Resource Planner that are associated to projects.

View Unfilled Resource Requests

See all unfilled resource requests on a project.

Resource Skill Request Fields

The resource skill requests related list contains fields that allow you to list and request the skills and minimum ratings you need a particular resource to have.

* – Mandatory field
R – Read-only

Resource Skill Request Fields


Skill or Certification *

Name of the skill or certification. For example, Java or Project Management.

Created By   The name of the user who created the record.
Last Modified By   The name of the user who most recently modified the record.
Minimum Rating   The minimum level of exposure or ability that the resource must have for the skill or certification.
Primary   The most important skill or certification required for the skill request.
Resource Request   Lookup to the Resource Request ID.
Resource Skill Request Number   Unique reference for the resource skill request.
Skill or Certification  

Determines whether this record is a skill or a certification.

Skill Record Type   The record type of the associated skill.

Assign Resource

The Assign Resource section contains fields that allow you to search for resources to hold or assign to the Resource Request.

Your administrator can control the fields that display in this section using the Assign Multiple Resources to Project Filter Options field set.

Search results are returned when they match the combination of values that you choose for: Resource Name AND Skills AND Region AND Practice AND Group AND Role.

The suggested resource is always displayed in blue at the top of the search results. Inactive resources are not included in the search results.

* – Mandatory field
AND – AND filter.

Assign Resource Fields
Field Filter


Cascade     When checked, the applicable region, practice or group selected also includes all respective sub-regions, practices or groups as appropriate in the hierarchy for inclusion in the search for resources when Refresh Matched Resources is clicked.
Group AND  

The groupClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. that you want to use in your search. Only resources with the specified group will be returned, unless you leave this filter blank, when resources that match any group will be returned.


If you do not want to use the region, practice, group, or role specified on the resource request in your search, you can set the Disable RPG and Role Filter Defaults setting in the Assignment Settings custom setting to true. For more information, see Assignment Settings.

Practice AND  

The practiceClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. you want to use in your search. Only resources with the specified practice will be returned, unless you leave this filter blank, when resources that match any practice will be returned.


If you do not want to use the region, practice, group, or role specified on the resource request in your search, you can set the Disable RPG and Role Filter Defaults setting in the Assignment Settings custom setting to true. For more information, see Assignment Settings.

Region AND  

The regionClosed A level of hierarchy used in PSA to which other objects belong such as resources, opportunities and projects. you want to use in your search. Only resources with the specified region will be returned, unless you leave this filter blank, when resources that match any region will be returned.


If you do not want to use the region, practice, group, or role specified on the resource request in your search, you can set the Disable RPG and Role Filter Defaults setting in the Assignment Settings custom setting to true. For more information, see Assignment Settings.

Resource Name AND   Name of the resource to search for.
Role AND  

The role that you want the resource to have. For example, Consultant. If you leave this filter blank, the search includes resources with any role.


If you do not want to use the region, practice, group, or role specified on the resource request in your search, you can set the Disable RPG and Role Filter Defaults setting in the Assignment Settings custom setting to true. For more information, see Assignment Settings.

Skills AND  

The skills that you want the resource to have. You can choose to match on all skill or any skills. For example, if you select skill A and B, for Match All, resources that have skills A and B are shown in the search results. For Match Any, resources that have skill A or B are shown.

If you have set up skill sets, you can select and apply skill sets to add multiple skills to the resource request. You can apply multiple skill sets.

Select the skill set and click Apply Skill Set to add all the skills in the set to the filter. When you apply a skill set, the search defaults to Match All unless there are existing skills in the list, when the current selection is used. You can, optionally, select a minimum rating. The default minimum rating for skills in a skill set is None.

You can add or remove individual skills after you have applied a skill set.

To add individual skills, click Add Skill to create a new row. Use the lookup field to find the skill you want to add and, optionally, select a minimum rating.

You can clear the checkbox next to a skill to exclude it from the search.

Start Date and End Date   * The date range to search for.

Assign Resource Search Results

The following fields display for the search results of a Resource Request.

Assign Resource Search Results Fields



% Availability
    This displays the percentage value of availability for each resource, based on the period being searched in the filter options. The percentage calculation is scheduled hours for the search period / available hours based on the resource's work calendar * 100. There is also a visual indication of availability:
    • 0-49% = Red
    • 50-99% = Amber
    • 100% = Green

    The default sort order is on % Availability. If there is no availability data for the resource, a - is displayed in the column. If the % Availability column is not present, results are sorted on primary skills rating, provided a primary skill is present and there is at least one skill in the filter. If there is no primary skill present, the default sort order is on resource name. Held, Assigned, and Suggested resources are always displayed first, regardless of sort order.

# Assignments The number of assignments for the resource for the Resource Request period.
# Requests The number of resource requests the resource is assigned to for the Resource Request period.
Cost Rate The currency code and cost rate for the resource.
External Indicates whether the resource is external.
Name The name of the resource.
Primary Skills Rating The primary skill rating for the resource.
Region The region the resource is assigned to.
Role The resource role.

Resource Request Buttons and Links

Button Description
- Collapses the details of the resource in the Assign Resource section.
+ Expands the details of the resource in the Assign Resource section.
Assign Creates an assignment for the resource. The Resource field is populated with the name of the assigned resource, a schedule is created and the assignment that is created automatically populates the Assignment field on the Resource Request. The assigned resource moves to the top of the list of resources and their name is displayed in blue.
Clear Filters Clears the filter criteria in the Assign Resource section on the Resource Request Detail page with the exception of Start Date and End Date.
Duplicate Shortlist Opens the Duplicate Shortlist window on the Resource Request Lightning page.
Filter Resources Searches for items matching your filter criteria.
Hold Holds the resource. When a resource is held, the Resource field on the resource request is populated with the name of the held resource, a schedule is created and the Resource Held checkbox is selected. The held resource also moves to the top of the list of resources and their name appears in blue.
Manage Skills Opens the Manage Skills window on the Resource Request Lightning page.
View in Planner Opens a new window or browser tab displaying the resource in the Resource Planner.

Resource Details

Here is a description of the buttons and fields that appear when you expand the details of a resource listed in the search results of a Resource Request.

Requested Skills

Field Description
Type Type of skill. Used when grouping skills on the Skills Matrix and Skills Capacity pages. You can customize this picklist by editing the page layout.
Skill or Certification Name Name of the skill or certification. For example, Java or Project Management.
Rating The level of exposure or ability that the resource has for the skill or certification.
Evaluation Date Date on which the rating was evaluated.
Expiration Date Date on which the skill or certification rating expires.

Assignment History

This section displays the five most recent past or closed assignments. You can see the name of skills that assignments have in common with the current resource request, regardless of rating, essential/desirable status, or match Any Skill/All Skills criteria.

You can filter the assignments by Account and Skills present on the resource requests. To view the details of all the past or closed assignments a resource has worked on, you can click View History.


The availability section lists the resource's current assignments. You can click View to display the details of each assignment.


You can use the following available scheduling strategies depending on the options your administrator has set.


  • N = Strategy not supported in the Schedule Strategy field of the Reschedule section when you click Edit Schedule on the Assignment page to update an assignment schedule.
Scheduling Strategy


Description Usage
Adjust Hours Per Day Calculates the hours per day based on the assignment start and end dates and the scheduled Hours. For resource requests, calculates the hours per day based on the requested start and end dates and requested hours on the resource request. Scheduled Hours are distributed evenly between the start and end dates for the resource's working days based on the resource's work calendar. Consequently, the hours per day might not match the resource's work calendar.

If the Adjust Hours Strategy Respects Holidays custom setting in the Assignment settings is set, the schedule respects holidays and schedule exceptions are created for them. Hours are spread across other days. For more information, see Schedule Exceptions Overview.
Calculate End Date, Ignore Availability   Calculates the end date ignoring the resourceClosed A contact that works on a project. 's other assignments.
Note: The end date is changed automatically if the scheduled hours do not fit within the resource's work calendar.
A resource's work calendar is set to 8 hours per working day:
  • The resource is not available on 12/23/2011
  • The start date for the assignment is 12/21/2011
  • The end date of the assignment is 12/23/2011
Note: If you enter 17 Scheduled Hours and click Update Schedule, the End Date shown in the Schedule details section is shown in black because the resource's unavailability on 12/23/2011 is ignored.
Calculate End Date, Level Schedule   Calculates the end date for the assignment respecting the resource's other assignments and holidays on their work calendar. The end date on the Schedule Details is calculated automatically.
Note: The end date is changed to show the date on which the Scheduled Hours will be achieved.
A resource's work calendar is set to 8 hours per working day:
  • The resource is not available on 12/23/2011
  • The start date for the assignment is 12/21/2011
  • The end date of the assignment is 12/23/2011
Note: If you enter 17 Scheduled Hours and click Update Schedule, the End Date shown in the Schedule details section is shown in red because the Scheduled Hours cannot be achieved without moving the end date of the assignment.
Custom N Calculates the end date based on hours you enter in the Day fields. For a resource working on an assignment for four days a week, enter hours in the Day fields for four days only. The end date is based on the four days, respecting public holidays, but excluding weekends.
Percent Allocation

Calculates the hours per day based on the percentage allocation for the assignment duration. You can enter a value between 0-100. The default value is 100. In the Assign Resource section on the Resource Request page, you can specify percentage allocation values for different date ranges within the assignment duration.

Note: You cannot use date ranges that overlap.

Date ranges are not supported in the Assign Resource to Project Lightning window. Enter a value between 0-100 for the whole assignment duration. This sets the default value in the Percent Allocated field on the Assignment that is created.

You can add several date range lines and specify a different percentage allocation on each date range. We do not support differing percent allocations across different date ranges in Lightning. When you create an assignment or update the scheduling strategy on an assignment using this strategy, schedule exceptions are created based on the date ranges and percent allocation that you enter. For more information, see Schedule Exceptions Overview.
Zero Hour Schedule N Allows you to create assignments with zero hours for each day.
Note: If you attempt to create an assignment with zero hours using a different strategy, an error message appears.
You can create resource requests with zero hours and then staff, assign or hold the resource requests.

Manage Resource Requests Fields and Buttons

For details of the columns that are displayed in this window, see Resource Request Fields.


Here is a description of the buttons on the Manage Resource Requests window.

Key: C – Appears on the confirmation and discard popup when there are unsaved changes.

Manage Resource Requests Buttons
Button   Description
Assign Held   Assign multiple held resource requests.
Continue Editing C Edits the fields of one or more resource requests.
Discard Changes C Discards your changes and assigns the resource requests.
Save and Assign C Saves your changes and assigns the resource requests.
Filter panel   Filters the resource requests displayed. The panel stays open until you close it. Click to open and close the panel. For details of the options available in the filter panel, see Filter Fields.

Manage Resource Requests Filter Fields

The Manage Resource Requests window includes the following fields in the filter panel.


Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Filter Fields
Field Description Default
Resource Roles The filter uses the roles of assigned resources to find resource requests. On a project record page: no resource roles.
Status The filter uses status to find resource requests. On a project record page: no status.

Filter Buttons

The Manage Resource Requests window includes the following buttons in the filter panel.

Filter Buttons
Button Description
Apply Updates the contents of the Manage Resource Requests using the filter criteria specified.
Down arrow | Reset Returns the filter criteria to the default values.
Down arrow | Clear Clears the searched filter values.

The Apply, Clear, and Reset buttons are displayed dynamically as you take actions in the Filters panel on the Resource Request record page. The following are the scenarios that determine how these filter buttons function:

  • When you reload the record page, the Clear button is displayed in the drop-down list to clear the existing filters. The existing filters are removed, except the Start Date and End Date fields.
  • After clearing the filter values, the Reset button is displayed in the drop-down list. The filter values are reset to the default values and the Clear button is displayed.
  • When you make any changes to the filter values, Apply, Clear, and Reset buttons are displayed. The Apply button filters the resource request records. The Clear and Reset buttons are displayed alternatively.

Filter Resources by Distance Fields

The following fields are required to filter resources based on their proximity to the work location.

Filter Resources by Distance Fields
Field Description
Work City (PSA) The city of the work location for the resource request.
Work Country (PSA) The country of the work location for the resource request.
Work State/Province (PSA) The state or province of the work location for the resource request.
Work Street (PSA) The street of the work location for the resource request.
Work Zip/Postal Code (PSA) The zip or postal code of the work location for the resource request.