Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global inherited sharing class Exceptions


global inherited sharing virtual class MessagingException extends Exception

This exception is thrown in a number of different scenarios relating to a failure when creating, sending or receiving messages.


global inherited sharing class ScheduleJobException extends MessagingException

This exception is thrown when Salesforce fails to schedule a job, for example, if an incorrect Cron expression is provided.

This class extends fferpcore.Exceptions.MessagingException


global inherited sharing class FeatureConsoleException extends Exception

This exception is thrown for errors relating to the Feature Console.


global inherited sharing class InvalidArgumentException extends Exception

This exception is thrown when invalid arguments are supplied to a method.


global inherited sharing class TaxCalculationException extends Exception

This exception is thrown in multiple scenarios concerning tax calculation.


global inherited sharing class PermissionException extends Exception

This exception is thrown when an internal security check fails. Causes may include Object Security, Field Level Security or Sharing Security.


global inherited sharing class SequenceException extends Exception

This exception is thrown for invalid sequences in several scenarios.


global inherited sharing class ArchiveException extends Exception

This exception is thrown for errors relating to the archive process.


global inherited sharing class CompanyException extends Exception

This exception is thrown for errors relating to company processes.


global with sharing class PersonasException extends Exception

This exception is thrown for errors relating to personas.


global inherited sharing class GatewayException extends Exception

This exception is thrown for errors relating to the off-platform Gateway.

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