Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global interface ihcc_INotificationReporter

Interface representing the ErrorReporter. Will allow the submission, building, saving and sending of errors.



void registerNotification(Id IntegrationId, String notificationClassification, fferpcore.ihcc_IntegrationEventDirection direction, String correlationId, String originatingUserId, String messageText, DateTime originalDateTime)

Method to recieve an error and relavent details. Errors will be saved to a list of ihcc_Errors

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
IntegrationId Id The ID of the integration registering the notification
notificationClassification String The classification of the notification. Passed back to the integration in the various notification method handling methods to allow fine-grained control over the notifications
direction fferpcore.ihcc_IntegrationEventDirection The direction that the data-flow was in that caused the notification
correlationId String The correlation ID of the object that caused the notification
originatingUserId String The user ID (in whatever form) of the user who took the action that caused the notification to be registered
messageText String Integration specific message text. Can be human readable or JSON


void finalise()

Method to build, save and send all emails stored to the integration that caused them.

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