Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global interface ihcc_IDatabaseResult

Representation of a database result that can be passed between namespaces. Allows ihcc to pass results back to the integration implementations. This is the same as fflib_DatabaseResult but global



Id getRecordId()

Get the SObject record id that corresponds to the save or delete result

Return Value

Record id which this result corresponds to


SObject getRecord()

Get the SObject record that corresponds to the save or delete result

Return Value

Record which this result corresponds to


Boolean isSuccess()

Return Value

Whether the DML operation was successful


Boolean isCreated()

Will be applicable only for upsert operations

Return Value

A boolean value that is set to true if the record was created, false if the record was updated by an upsert operation. Null will be returned for operations other than upsert.


Integer getErrorsSize()

Return the size of the list of Database.Error on the save or delete result

Return Value

The number of errors


String getErrorMessage(Integer errorIndex)

Get the error message at the specified index

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
errorIndex Integer The index of the error that we want the message for

Return Value

The error message at the specified index


List<String> getErrorFields(Integer errorIndex)

Get the SObject fields related to the error at the specified index

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
errorIndex Integer The index of the error that we want fields for

Return Value

The list of fields related to the error at the specified index


StatusCode getErrorStatusCode(Integer errorIndex)

Get the status code for the error at the specified index

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
errorIndex Integer The index of the error that we want the status code for

Return Value

The status code value of the error at the specified index


Boolean isLimitReached()

Return Value

True if the process limits were reached preventing execution

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