Foundations Apex API Developer Reference


global with sharing class TaxCalculationTransformService

This class is used to perform the transform operation as specified in the transform request and also execute the respective fferpcore.TaxCalculationService method.



global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.TaxResponse calculateTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CalculateTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to calculateTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.calculateTax method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CalculateTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A TaxResponse object for the transformation process of the calculateTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.TaxResponse commitTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to commitTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.commitTax method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A TaxResponse object for the transformation process of the commitTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.TaxResponse commitTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitExistingTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to commitTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.commitTax method, which commits a draft sale or purchase document.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitExistingTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A TaxResponse object for the transformation process of the commitTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.ReversalResponse calculateReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CalculateReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to calculateReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.calculateReversal method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CalculateReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A ReversalResponse object for the transformation process of the calculateReversal method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.ReversalResponse commitReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to commitReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.commitReversal method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A ReversalResponse object for the transformation process of the commitReversal method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.ReversalResponse commitReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitExistingReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to commitReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.commitReversal method, which commits a draft return document.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.CommitExistingReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A ReversalResponse object for the transformation process of the commitReversal method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UncommitResponse uncommitTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UncommitTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to uncommitTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.uncommitTax method, which uncommits a committed sale or purchase document.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UncommitTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

An UncommitResponse object for the transformation process of the uncommitTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UncommitResponse uncommitReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UncommitReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to uncommitReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.uncommitReversal method, which uncommits a committed return document.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UncommitReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

An UncommitResponse object for the transformation process of the uncommitTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UnvoidResponse unvoidReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UnvoidReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to unvoidReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.unvoidReversal method, which unvoids a voided return document.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UnvoidReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

An UnvoidResponse object for the transformation process of the unvoidReversal method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UnvoidResponse unvoidTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UnvoidTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to unvoidTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.unvoidTax method, which unvoids a voided sale or purchase document.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.UnvoidTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

An UnvoidResponse object for the transformation process of the unvoidTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.ValidateAddressResponse validateAddress(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.ValidateAddressRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to validateAddress and execute the TaxCalculationService.validateAddress method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.ValidateAddressRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A ValidateAddressResponse object for the transformation process of the validateAddress method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VerifyResponse verifyReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VerifyReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to verifyReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.verifyReversal method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VerifyReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A VerifyResponse object for the transformation process of the verifyReversal method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VerifyResponse verifyTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VerifyTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to verifyTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.verifyTax method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VerifyTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A VerifyResponse object for the transformation process of the verifyTax method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VoidResponse voidReversal(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VoidReversalRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to voidReversal and execute the TaxCalculationService.voidReversal method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VoidReversalRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A VoidResponse object for the transformation process of the voidReversal method.


global static fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VoidResponse voidTax(fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VoidTaxRequest request)

This method is used to perform the transform operation specific to voidTax and execute the TaxCalculationService.voidTax method.

Input Parameters

Name Type Description
request fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.VoidTaxRequest The request that contains the source data to transform and the name of the relevant mapping process, which contains the managed and custom mappings to apply.

Return Value

A VoidResponse object for the transformation process of the voidTax method.


global virtual inherited sharing class Request

Data that can be used for transformation and external tax calculation.


Name Type Description
TransformProcess String The name of the process for which to transform data.
SourceData fferpcore.TransformSourceData The source data to transform.



global Request()


global inherited sharing class CalculateTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to calculate tax.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global CalculateTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class CommitTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to commit tax.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global CommitTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class CommitExistingTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to commit a draft sale or purchase document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global CommitExistingTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class CalculateReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to calculate tax for a credit document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global CalculateReversalRequest()


global inherited sharing class CommitReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to commit tax for a credit document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global CommitReversalRequest()


global inherited sharing class CommitExistingReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to commit a draft return document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global CommitExistingReversalRequest()


global inherited sharing class UncommitReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to uncommit a committed return document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global UncommitReversalRequest()


global inherited sharing class UncommitTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to uncommit a committed sale or purchase document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global UncommitTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class UnvoidReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to unvoid a voided return document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global UnvoidReversalRequest()


global inherited sharing class UnvoidTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to unvoid a voided sale or purchase document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global UnvoidTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class ValidateAddressRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to validate an address.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global ValidateAddressRequest()


global inherited sharing class VerifyReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to verify a return document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global VerifyReversalRequest()


global inherited sharing class VerifyTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to verify a sale or purchase document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global VerifyTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class VoidTaxRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to void a document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global VoidTaxRequest()


global inherited sharing class VoidReversalRequest extends Request

Data that can be used for transformation and to void a credit document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Request



global VoidReversalRequest()


global virtual inherited sharing class Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax operation.



global Response()


global Boolean isSuccess()

Indicates whether the operation was successful.


global List<fferpcore.TransformError> getTransformErrors()

Returns a list of errors that occurred during transformation.


global inherited sharing class UnvoidResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to unvoid a sale or purchase document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.UnvoidResponse The response from the external tax provider after unvoiding a document.



global UnvoidResponse()


global inherited sharing class VerifyResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to verify a sale or purchase document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.VerifyResponse The response from the external tax provider after verifying a sale or purchase document.



global VerifyResponse()


global inherited sharing class ValidateAddressResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to validate an address.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.ValidateAddressResponse The response from the external tax provider after validating an address.



global ValidateAddressResponse()


global inherited sharing class TaxResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to calculate tax.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.TaxResponse The response from the external tax provider after calculating tax.



global TaxResponse()


global inherited sharing class ReversalResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to calculate tax for a credit document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.ReversalResponse The response from the external tax provider after calculating tax on a credit document.



global ReversalResponse()


global inherited sharing class UncommitResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to uncommit a document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.UncommitResponse The response from the external tax provider after uncommitting a document.



global UncommitResponse()


global inherited sharing class VoidResponse extends Response

Data returned after transformation and external tax calculation to void a document.

This class extends fferpcore.TaxCalculationTransformService.Response


Name Type Description
Response fferpcore.TaxCalculationService.VoidResponse The response from the external tax provider after voiding a document.



global VoidResponse()

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