Accounting Permissions

Accounting - Selection Definition - Read Access

API Name: AccountingSelectionDefinitionReadAccess

View all relevant records for selection definitions.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Field Permission codaCompany__c.AddressIsValid__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AllocatedOwnership__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AllowPartialPaymentWhenMatching__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ApexJobId__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryGLA__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.AvalaraVATReportingStartDate__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.BankAccount__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.BatchProcess__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CashMatchingCurrencyMode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.City__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ConsolidationAdjustmentCompany__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ContactEmail__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Country__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffLoss__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOff__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscount__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension1__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension2__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension3__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension4__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOff__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.DisableRecurringInvoices__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ECCountryCode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.EInvoicingLegalEntityID__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.EInvoicingTaxCategory__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.EliminationCompany__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.EnablePlaceOfSupplyRules__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ExchangeRateGroup__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ExternalId__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ExternalTaxCalculation__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Fax__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.FirstMatchBy__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.FlexibleDecimalPlacesStart__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.IncludeInBackgroundMatchingScheduler__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.IntercompanyAccount__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.LocalChartOfAccountsStructure__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Localization__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.LogoImage__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.LogoURL__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.MatchUpTo__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.MatchingDate__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.OrgWideEffectiveDate__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Phone__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ReportingCompany__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.RetainedEarningsGLA__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.SalesTaxCompanyCode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ShortName__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ShortStreet__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.StateProvince__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Status__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Street__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.SuspenseGLA__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.TaxCode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.TaxIdentificationNumber__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ThenMatchBy__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.UnitOfWork__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.UnrealizedGainsLossesGLA__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.UnrealizedLossesGLA__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.UseCurrencyWriteOffLoss__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.UseOrgWideExchangeRates__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.UseUnrealizedLosses__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.VATRegistrationNumber__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.VAT_GST_Group__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedCity__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedCountry__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedStateProvince__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedStreet__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedZipPostalCode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.Website__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.YearEndMode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaCompany__c.ZipPostCode__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c.ExternalId__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c.FieldLabel__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c.LineNumber__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c.RelatedFieldLabel__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c.Type__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c.UnitOfWork__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.ExternalId__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.FieldLabel__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.FieldType__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.Field__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.LineNumber__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.Operator__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.RelatedFieldLabel__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.Type__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.UnitOfWork__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.ValueFrom__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c.ValueTo__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.Company__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.ExternalId__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.SelectionDescription__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.SelectionHeaderObjectLabel__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.SelectionHeaderObject__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.SelectionLineItemObjectLabel__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.SelectionLineItemObject__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c.UnitOfWork__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
Object Permission codaCompany__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaObjectField__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelectionCriterion__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaSelection__c Read View all relevant records for selection definitions.
Apex Page Permission codacompanymismatchwarning Enabled View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codacurrentcompanydisplay Enabled View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codamulticompanymodewarning Enabled View all relevant records for selection definitions.
codaselectiondefinitionview Enabled View all relevant records for selection definitions.
Tab Permission codaSelection__c Available View all relevant records for selection definitions.

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