Accounting Permissions

Accounting and Billing - Company Ownership - Read Access

API Name: AccountingandBillingCompanyOwnershipReadAccess

View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission CompanyOwnershipController Enabled View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationStructureController Enabled View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
Field Permission CompanyOwnership__c.CompanyName__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.EndDateOfOwnership__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.ExternalCompany__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.InternalCompany__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.Internal__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.IsActive__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.OwnershipCategory__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
CompanyOwnership__c.StartDateOfOwnership__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level02Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level03Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level04Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level05Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level06Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level07Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level08Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level09Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level10Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level11Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level12Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level13Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level14Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level15Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level16Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level17Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level18Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level19Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c.Level20Company__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchy__c.EndDate__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchy__c.IsActive__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
GroupStructureSettings__c.AddToCard__c Edit, Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
GroupStructureSettings__c.AddToDetails__c Edit, Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
GroupStructureSettings__c.Category__c Edit, Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
GroupStructureSettings__c.CustomFieldLabel__c Edit, Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AddressIsValid__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AllocatedOwnership__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AllowPartialPaymentWhenMatching__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ApexJobId__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryDimension4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AuxiliaryGLA__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.AvalaraVATReportingStartDate__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.BankAccount__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.BatchProcess__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODABaseDate4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADaysOffset4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADescription4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CODADiscount4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CashMatchingCurrencyMode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.City__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ConsolidationAdjustmentCompany__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ContactEmail__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Country__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffDimension4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOffLoss__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerCurrencyWriteOff__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscountDimension4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerSettlementDiscount__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension1__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension2__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension3__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOffDimension4__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.CustomerWriteOff__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.DisableRecurringInvoices__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ECCountryCode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.EInvoicingLegalEntityID__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.EInvoicingTaxCategory__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.EliminationCompany__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.EnablePlaceOfSupplyRules__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ExchangeRateGroup__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ExternalId__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ExternalTaxCalculation__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Fax__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.FirstMatchBy__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.FlexibleDecimalPlacesStart__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.IncludeInBackgroundMatchingScheduler__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.IntercompanyAccount__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.LocalChartOfAccountsStructure__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Localization__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.LogoImage__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.LogoURL__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.MatchUpTo__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.MatchingDate__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.OrgWideEffectiveDate__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Phone__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ReportingCompany__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.RetainedEarningsGLA__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.SalesTaxCompanyCode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ShortName__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ShortStreet__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.StateProvince__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Status__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Street__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.SuspenseGLA__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.TaxCode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.TaxIdentificationNumber__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ThenMatchBy__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.UnitOfWork__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.UnrealizedGainsLossesGLA__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.UnrealizedLossesGLA__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.UseCurrencyWriteOffLoss__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.UseOrgWideExchangeRates__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.UseUnrealizedLosses__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.VATRegistrationNumber__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.VAT_GST_Group__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedCity__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedCountry__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedStateProvince__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedStreet__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ValidatedZipPostalCode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.Website__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.YearEndMode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.ZipPostCode__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
Object Permission CompanyOwnership__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchyLine__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
ConsolidationHierarchy__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
GroupStructureSettings__c Read, Edit View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c Read View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
Apex Page Permission groupstructure Enabled View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
Record Type Permission codaCompany__c.COMB Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.GST Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.SUT Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c.VAT Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
Tab Permission ConsolidationStructureChart Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
GroupStructure Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.
codaCompany__c Visible View companies, company ownership records, and group structures.

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