Accounting Permissions

Accounting and Billing - XL - Sales Credit Notes Document Input

API Name: AccountingandBillingXLSalesCreditNoteDocumentInput

Create and post sales credit note documents.

Permissions Available on Permission Set

The table lists the permissions available for this permission set.

Apex Class Permission CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_10_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_1_1 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_3_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_4_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_5_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_6_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_7_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_8_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteLineItemTypes_9_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_10_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_1_1 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_3_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_4_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_5_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_6_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_7_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_8_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPICreditNoteTypes_9_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPIIntegrationRule_3_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPIIntegrationRule_4_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPIIntegrationRule_6_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPIIntegrationRule_7_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPIMappingFormatTypes_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPIMappingFormat_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_10_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_1_1 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_3_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_4_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_5_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_6_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_7_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_8_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISalesCreditNote_9_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISingleMappingTypes_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
CODAAPISingleMapping_2_0 Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
Custom Permission ManageXL Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
ProcessIntercompanyTransfers Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
SalesCreditNotePost Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
SalesCreditNoteSave Enabled Create and post sales credit note documents.
Field Permission codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.CalculateTaxValue2FromRate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.CalculateTaxValue3FromRate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.CalculateTaxValueFromRate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.CreditNoteCurrencyDecimalPlaces__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DeriveLineNumber__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DeriveTaxRate2FromCode__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DeriveTaxRate3FromCode__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DeriveTaxRateFromCode__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DeriveUnitPriceFromProduct__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DestinationCompany__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DestinationNetValue__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DestinationQuantity__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.DestinationUnitPrice__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.Dimension1__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.Dimension2__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.Dimension3__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.Dimension4__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.ExcludeFromWithholding__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.ExternalId__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.GeneralLedgerAccount__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.IntercompanyTransfer__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.LineDescription__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.LineNumber__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.LocalGLA__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.NetValue__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.OriginalInvoice__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.OwnerCompany__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.ProductCode__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.ProductReference__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.Product__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.SetTaxCode2ToDefault__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.SetTaxCode3ToDefault__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.SetTaxCodeToDefault__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxCode1__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxCode2__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxCode3__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxCodeCombined__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxRate1__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxRate2__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxRate3__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxRateTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxValue1__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxValue2__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxValue3__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.TaxValueTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.UnitOfWork__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNoteLineItem__c.UnitPrice__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.AccountCurrency__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.AccountName__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.AccountOutstanding__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.AccountTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Account__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.ArchiveSet__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.AvalaraVATReportingDocumentIndicator__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.BillingAddress__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.BillingDocument__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CompanyReference__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CopyAccountValues__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CopyDefaultPrintedTextDefinitions__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteCurrencyDecimalPlaces__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteCurrency__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteDescription__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteRate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteReason__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteStatus__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CreditNoteTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Currency__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.CustomerReference__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DeriveCurrency__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DeriveDueDate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DerivePeriod__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Dimension1__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Dimension2__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Dimension3__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Dimension4__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DiscardReason__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DocumentOutstandingTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DocumentTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DualRate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.DueDate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.EInvoiceDeliveryError__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.EInvoiceDeliveryStatus__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.EInvoiceExternalIdentifier__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.EInvoiceIdentifier__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Engagement__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.ExternalId__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.IntercompanyTransfer__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.InvoiceDate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.InvoiceReference__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Invoice__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.LineCount__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.MatchType__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.NetTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Opportunity__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.OutstandingValue__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.OwnerCompany__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PaymentStatus__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Period__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintStatus__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText1AllowEdit__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText1Heading__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText1TextDefinitionName__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText1Text__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText2AllowEdit__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText2Heading__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText2TextDefinitionName__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText2Text__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText3AllowEdit__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText3Heading__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText3TextDefinitionName__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText3Text__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText4AllowEdit__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText4Heading__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText4TextDefinitionName__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText4Text__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText5AllowEdit__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText5Heading__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText5TextDefinitionName__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.PrintedText5Text__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.RoundedCreditNoteTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.SalesTaxDocumentCode__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.SalesTaxStatus__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.ShippingAddress__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Tax1Total__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Tax2Total__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Tax3Total__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.TaxCode1__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.TaxCode2__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.TaxCode3__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.TaxTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Transaction__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.TriggerPostingError__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.TriggerPosting__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.UnitOfWork__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.WithholdingNetTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.WithholdingRate__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.WithholdingTax__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.WithholdingTotal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c.Year__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.ExternalId__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.ForPrinting__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.ForReading__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.ForWriting__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.LineNumber__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldDecimal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldPath__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldReadOnly__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldReferenceTo__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldRequired__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldSize__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceFieldType__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.SourceField__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldDecimal__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldPath__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldReadOnly__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldReferenceTo__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldRequired__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldSize__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetFieldType__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.TargetField__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.Type__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c.UnitofWork__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.AdditionalTargetDetailObject__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.Description__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.DocumentNumber__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.ExternalId__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.MultiLineCashEntry__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.ProcessedIndicator__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.RelationshipSourceField__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.RelationshipTargetField__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.SourceDetailObject__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.SourceObject__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.TargetDetailObject__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.TargetObject__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c.UnitofWork__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.DetailOffSetRow__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.DetailPropNoCol__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.DetailResultCol__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.ExternalId__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.HeaderOffSetRow__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.HeaderPropNoCol__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.HeaderResultCol__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.ObjectType__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c.UnitOfWork__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaSingleMapping__c.ExcelColumn__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaSingleMapping__c.ExternalId__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaSingleMapping__c.ServerColumn__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaSingleMapping__c.Type__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaSingleMapping__c.UnitOfWork__c Edit, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
Object Permission codaCreditNoteLineItem__c Create, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaCreditNote__c Create, Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRuleLineItem__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaIntegrationRule__c Read Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaMappingFormat__c Create, Read, Edit Create and post sales credit note documents.
codaSingleMapping__c Create, Read, Edit, Delete Create and post sales credit note documents.
Tab Permission codaCreditNote__c Available Create and post sales credit note documents.

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