Accounting Permissions

Changes to Permissions in Summer 2024

The following changes have been introduced in the Summer 2024 release.

New Permissions Added

New Permission Sets

No changes have been made in this release.

New Permission Set Groups

No changes have been made in this release.

New Custom Permissions

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Permissions

Deprecated Permission Sets

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Permission Set Groups

No changes have been made in this release.

Deprecated Custom Permissions

No changes have been made in this release.

Updates to Permission Sets

Permissions in the following permission sets have been updated in this release. For more information, see the Technical Documentation Pack on the Certinia Community.
Permission SetDescriptionView changes
Accounting Autogenerated 1st level Accounting Accounting Changes
Accounting - Cash Matching Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Cash Matching AccountingCashMatching Changes
Accounting - Cash Matching - Match Match cash entries against outstanding sales or payable invoices, credit notes, and journals. AccountingCashMatchingMatch Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting - Currency Revaluation AccountingCurrencyRevaluation Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Cancel Revaluation Cancel all currency revaluation documents that are in complete state. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationCancelRevaluation Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Clear History Clear history of currency revaluation documents that are in void, generation error, or in discarded status. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationClearHistory Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Discard Discard currevency revaluation documents. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationDiscard Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Post and Post Group Post a single currency revaluation or group of currency revaluations. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationPostandPostGroup Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Read Access View all types of currency revaluation and currency revaluation history records. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationReadAccess Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - Save Create, view, and update currency revaluation groups, templates, criteria, currency revaluations, and only edit the CRV history record’s Notes field and save it. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Exchange Rate Entry - Read permission set. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationCreate Changes
Accounting - Currency Revaluation - View Revaluation Summary View all revaluation summary of currency revaluation group. User must also be assigned Action Views Reporting - Action Views Templates - Read permission set. AccountingCurrencyRevaluationRevaluationSummary Changes
Accounting - Playbook Owner Create, read, edit, delete all accounting playbooks, tasks, templates, task templates, generate playbooks from templates, and select and manage task approvers. AccountingPlaybook Changes
Accounting - Playbook Task Approver View playbooks, templates, tasks, task templates, edit task notes, and approve tasks. AccountingPlaybookApprove Changes
Accounting - Playbook Task Assignee Edit playbook task status and notes, and only read accounting playbooks, templates, and task templates. AccountingPlaybookEditTask Changes
Accounting Read Access Autogenerated 1st level Accounting Read Access AccountingReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing Autogenerated 1st level Accounting and Billing AccountingandBilling Changes
Accounting and Billing - Allocations Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Allocations AccountingandBillingAllocations Changes
Accounting and Billing - Allocations - Read Access View all relevant records for allocations and allocation rules. AccountingandBillingAllocationsReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Billing Documents to Sales Invoices or Credit Notes Create sales invoices or sales credit notes from eligible billing documents. Also view the relevant fields on the Billing Document object and perform actions related to the integration. AccountingandBillingBillingDocumentstoSalesInvoicesorCreditNotes Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Collections AccountingandBillingCollections Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Read Access View all reminders and customer statements. AccountingandBillingCollectionsReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Send Customer Statements Send statements for sales invoices to customers. AccountingandBillingCollectionsSendStatements Changes
Accounting and Billing - Collections - Send Email Reminders Send reminders for sales invoices or billing documents listing the invoices due for payment. User must also be assigned FDN Common Concepts - Billing Documents - Read and FDN Common Concepts - Company - Read when sending reminders for billing documents. AccountingandBillingCollectionsSendReminders Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNote Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Edit Edit sales credit notes and manage sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteEdit Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Post Post all sales credit notes. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNotePost Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Credit Note - Save Save sales credit notes and sales credit note line items. AccountingandBillingSalesCreditNoteSave Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice AccountingandBillingSalesInvoice Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Edit Edit sales invoices, payment schedule, and income schedule sales invoices. It also includes permissions to manage sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceEdit Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Hold or Release Collection Place sales invoices on hold or release for collections. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceHoldReleaseCollection Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Post Post all sales invoices, payment schedule, and income schedule sales invoices. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoicePost Changes
Accounting and Billing - Sales Invoice - Save Save sales invoices, payment schedule, and income schedule sales invoices. It also includes permissions to manage sales invoice line items. AccountingandBillingSalesInvoiceSave Changes
Accounting and Billing - Statement Rule Autogenerated 2nd level Accounting and Billing - Statement Rule AccountingandBillingStatementRule Changes
Accounting and Billing - Statement Rule - Create Create and edit all statement rules. AccountingandBillingStatementRuleCreate Changes
Accounting and Billing - Statement Rule - Delete Delete all statement rules. AccountingandBillingStatementRuleDelete Changes
Accounting and Billing - Statement Rule - Read Access View all relevant records for customer statements and customer statement rules. AccountingandBillingStatementRuleReadAccess Changes
Accounting and Billing Read Access Autogenerated 1st level Accounting and Billing Read Access AccountingandBillingReadAccess Changes
Analytics and Financial Statements Read Access Accounting Objects and Account Field Permissions AnalyticsandFinancialStatementsReadAccess Changes
Data Archiving Autogenerated 1st level Data Archiving DataArchiving Changes
Data Archiving - Archiving DataArchivingArchiving Changes
Data Archiving - Archiving - Read Access DataArchivingArchivingReadAccess Changes
Data Archiving Read Access Autogenerated 1st level Data Archiving Read Access DataArchivingReadAccess Changes
FM Community Autogenerated 1st level FM Community FMCommunity Changes
FM Community - Billing Document FMCommunityBillingDocument Changes

Updates to Permission Set Labels

For information about changes to permission set labels, see the Technical Documentation Pack on the Certinia Community.

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