Upgrading the Accounts Payable Workspace

ERP Cloud
  • Before you start upgrading to the latest Accounting Workspaces package, ensure that you have all the necessary permissions to perform the upgrade.
  • Install the latest version of the Accounting Workspaces Fall 2021 package. For more information on installing the workspace, see Installing the Workspace.

Consider the following after installing the Accounting Workspaces Fall 2021 package.

  1. Remove any references to the AP Aging Dynamic Dashboard if it has been added to Lightning record pages, Lightning app pages and any Lightning components that support dashboards.
  2. Manually delete the AP Aging Dynamic Dashboard -
    1. From App Launcher, search Dashboards , from All Dashboards folder select the AP Aging entry and click | Delete.
    2. From App Launcher, search Dashboards | All Folders, select the FFA Workspace Dashboards folder, select the AP Aging entry and click | Delete.
    3. From App Launcher, search Recycle Bin and from My Recycle Bin page, select the AP Aging entry and click | Delete.
  3. Manually delete the FFA Workspace Dashboards folder from your org by navigating from App Launcher, search Dashboards and from All Folders, select the FFA Workspace Dashboards folder and click | Delete.
    Warning: Before deleting the FFA Workspace Dashboards folder, ensure that both AP Aging and AR Aging Dynamic Dashboards are deleted from FFA Workspace Dashboards folder. For more information on deleting AR Aging Dynamic Dashboard, see Upgrading the Collections Workspace topic in Accounting Help.
  4. Delete the previous version of the AP Aging report.
    1. From the App Launcher, search Reports.
    2. Search for AP Aging.
    Note: Multiple reports with the name AP Aging are displayed in the results. All reports need to be opened in order to identify the Report Unique Name. Repeat the following steps until the report with the Report Unique Name AP_Aging_v1 is located.
    • Click Edit for the AP Aging report.
    • Click Properties.
    1. Delete the AP Aging report with the Report Unique Name AP_Aging_v1.

    To view the latest version of report, access the Accounts Payable workspace.