Period End Workspace

ERP Cloud

The Period End workspace contains the following components:

  • Navigation Pane
  • Alerts
  • Counts
  • Chart
  • List View

The Navigation pane provides links to navigate to the most frequently accessed pages that are relevant to your role.


Alerts provide you with information to highlight important details about your projects. To display a list of detailed records specific to each alert, click View Details.

The following alerts are available from the Period End workspace.

Name Description View Details
In Progress Journals The count of all journals in progress at the current date, and the total sum of their value expressed in home currency. Displays a list view of journals in progress.
Due Bank Reconciliations The count of all bank accounts not reconciled for 30 days or more, and the sum of all unreconciled transactions expressed in home currency.

Displays a list view of bank statements including the status.


If the alert does not display the Unreconciled Transactions Total value, schedule and run the Unreconciled Transaction Total Batch:

  1. From Setup, click Apex Classes | Schedule Apex.
  2. Enter a job name.
  3. In the Apex Class field, enter UnreconciledTransactionsScheduler.
  4. Specify the frequency, start and end dates, and the preferred start time. For more information on the available options, see the Salesforce Help.
  5. Click Save. After the scheduled batch has run, the alert shows the latest Unreconciled Transactions Total value.
Draft Transaction Reconciliations The count of the draft transaction reconciliations, and the number of transaction lines selected. Displays a list view of transaction reconciliations that have a "Draft" status.


Counts summarize the number of records found on corresponding list views that are relevant for the Period End workspace. Counts enable you to quickly access related content. To display a list of detailed records specific to each count, click the count.

The following counts are available from the Period End workspace.

Name Description View Details
Currency Revaluations in Progress

The count of currency revaluations in progress.

Displays a list view of the currency revaluations in progress.

Currency Revaluations Last 30 Days

The count of currency revaluations created in the last 30 days.

Displays a list view of the currency revaluations created in the last 30 days.
Journals Posted Last 30 Days The count of journals posted in the last 30 days. Displays a list view of the transactions of the type "Journal" posted in the last 30 days.

Your administrator can customize the Currency Revaluations in Progress, Currency Revaluations Last 30 Days, Journals Posted Last 30 Days count cards using the Lightning App Builder, for more information, see Setting up Certinia Count Cards .


The Period End Workspace Chart displays the Journals in Progress by Period report, summarizing the number of journals in progress for each period.

Click View Report to display a list of the journals.

List View

The Journals In Progress view displays a list of journals that have the status "In Progress" sorted by date.