Disabling Return Data

You can disable return data directly from a declarative messaging relationship. When you disable return data, Foundations disables the return data publication and subscription associated with the messaging relationship. This action does not remove any existing return data that has already been sent. If you disable return data, you can re-enable it at any time.

You can view the return data status from the messaging relationship.

To disable return data for a declarative relationship:

  1. On the Message Types tab, click the name of the message type that contains the relationship you want to customize. The message type is displayed.
  2. In the Relationship & Mapping Details section, click Manage Return Data.
  3. Click Disable.

If you have disabled return data and want to remove all items related to it, you can manually remove the return data publication and subscription, message type, fields on the source and target objects, and so on. For more information about deleting records, see the Salesforce Help.