Revenue Forecast Type Fields

The revenue forecast type record includes the following fields.

Field Description
Actuals Contains the combined value of the Revenue Recognized to Date and the Revenue Pending Recognition fields.
Corp: Actuals Contains the combined value of the Corp: Revenue Recognized to Date and the Corp: Revenue Pending Recognition fields.
Corp: Currency The corporate currency of the org at the time the revenue forecast was run.
Corp: Revenue Pending Recognition In the corporate currency, the revenue that is ready for recognition on this revenue forecast.
Corp: Revenue Recognized To Date In the corporate currency, revenue that has already been recognized within the relevant time period.
Corp: Scheduled Revenue In the corporate currency, the revenue that is scheduled for recognition on this revenue forecast.
Corp: Unscheduled Revenue In the corporate currency, revenue that is currently unscheduled.

For projects, if there are unscheduled hours on a milestone or project and there are months that do not contain any scheduled or actual revenue, the unscheduled revenue is spread evenly across those months, with the exception of empty months that fall between months containing scheduled or actual revenue.


Unscheduled revenue is only relevant to the % Complete recognition method for projects. For more information, see % Complete Recognition Method.

For opportunities, the value in this field is calculated by multiplying the value in the Amount field on the opportunity by the value in the Probability (%) field.

Milestone Lookup to the milestone this revenue forecast relates to.
Opportunity Lookup to the opportunity this revenue forecast relates to.
Project Lookup to the project this revenue forecast relates to.
Revenue Forecast Lookup to the relevant revenue forecast.
Revenue Pending Recognition Revenue that is ready for recognition on this revenue forecast. This field is populated by the revenue forecast batch Apex job.
Revenue Recognized to Date Revenue that has already been recognized on this revenue forecast within the relevant time period. This field is populated using data from Revenue Management, if you are using the integration between PSA and Revenue Management.
Revenue Source Indicates the source of the revenue for this record:
  • % Complete: Milestone
  • % Complete: Project
  • Deliverable: EVA
  • Deliverable: Expense
  • Deliverable: Milestone
  • Deliverable: Miscellaneous Adjustment
  • Deliverable: Timecard
  • Equal Split: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Project
  • Opportunity
Revenue Type

Indicates whether the values in this record apply to actual revenue or forecast revenue:

  • Actuals
  • Forecast

The following revenue sources apply to actual revenue:

  • % Complete: Milestone
  • % Complete: Project
  • Deliverable: Expense
  • Deliverable: Milestone
  • Deliverable: Miscellaneous Adjustment
  • Deliverable: Timecard
  • Equal Split: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Project

The following revenue sources apply to forecast revenue:

  • % Complete: Milestone
  • % Complete: Project
  • Deliverable: EVA
  • Deliverable: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Milestone
  • Equal Split: Project
  • Opportunity
Scheduled Revenue Revenue that is scheduled for recognition on this revenue forecast.
Unscheduled Revenue Revenue that is currently unscheduled.

For projects, if there are unscheduled hours on a milestone or project and there are months that do not contain any scheduled or actual revenue, the unscheduled revenue is spread evenly across those months, with the exception of empty months that fall between months containing scheduled or actual revenue.

Unscheduled revenue is only relevant to opportunities and to the % Complete recognition method for milestones and projects. For more information, see % Complete Recognition Method.

For opportunities, the value in this field is calculated by multiplying the value in the Amount field on the opportunity by the value in the Probability (%) field, unless Exclude Probability from Opportunities is selected on the active revenue forecast setup record. For more information on excluding probability, see Excluding Probability from Opportunities.