Discarding Cash Entries

You can discard one or more cash entries if their status is "In Progress".

Discarding a Single Cash Entry

Note: To view the Discard button ensure your administrator has the correct override property. Your administrator must go to Setup | Object Manager | Cash Entry | Buttons, Links, and Actions. Click View label. Next to Salesforce Classic Override Default ensure "c2g:codacashentryview" is selected.

You must specify a reason for discarding the document, which is stored with the record for future reference and auditing.

To discard a document:

  1. Select the "In Progress" document that you want to discard.
  2. Click Discard. If you can't see this button, contact your administrator.
  3. Type a reason for discarding this document. You cannot leave this field blank.
  4. Click Discard again.

To discard a cash entry in Lightning:

  1. Select the "In Progress" cash entry that you want to discard.
  2. Click Discard. The Discard Cash Entry window displays.
  3. Enter the reason to discard the cash entry. You cannot leave this field blank.
  4. Click Discard. This deletes the lines on the cash entry and sets its status to "Discarded".

Discarding Multiple Cash Entries

To discard multiple cash entries using Lightning:

  1. Click the Cash Entries tab.
  2. Select a predefined view from the drop-down list to select the records to display. Alternatively, you can select Create New View to define your own list view.
  3. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the cash entries that you want to discard. We recommend selecting no more than 200 cash entries.
  4. Click Discard. The window for discarding cash entries displays. If this button is not available, contact your administrator, or see the Salesforce Help for more information about adding buttons to list views.
  5. Check your selection and click Discard.
  6. Type a reason for discarding these cash entries. You cannot leave this field blank.
  7. Click Discard. The status of the selected cash entries is set to "Discarded" and the cash entry lines are deleted.

When you have more than one current company selected, you can discard a cash entry for any of the currently selected companies. You do not need to change the current company. Administrators can discard cash entries for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection.