Enabling the Cash Entry Layout Update Feature

This Feature Console page updates fields on the Cash Entry Layout, Cash Entry Line Item Layout, and Cash Entry Extended Layout page layouts. You can use it to add new Cash Entry fields introduced in Winter 2024 and remove the old fields.

If you want to stop using the cash entry fields installed by the Certinia Cash Entry Extension package and start using the corresponding fields in Accounting, you must enable step 4 of this feature. For more information, see Cash Entry Fields.


Before enabling the Cash Entry Layout Update feature, you must:

  1. Set the Cash Entry Value field on the Cash Entry Layout page layout as not required.
  2. Remove the following fields from the mini page layout of the Cash Entry Layout page layout:
  • Bank Account Value
  • Cash Entry Value

For more information about page layouts, see the Salesforce Help.

Work through the steps in the order shown.

  • For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from “Not Done” to “Done”.
  • For each manual step, follow the instructions on screen then click Mark As Done when the step is complete. More information about performing the manual steps is provided below.

When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.

Manually Update Page Layouts

You must manually update your custom page layouts to add or remove the fields and buttons listed in the feature step.

To update a page layout or a search layout:

  1. From Setup, click Object Manager | <object> | Page Layouts or Search Layouts.
  2. Click the layout that you need to update.
  3. Drag the specified fields and buttons from the palette to an appropriate location on the layout. To remove a button, drag it from the layout back to the palette.
  4. Click Save.