Editing Cash Entries

To update selected details on an "In Progress" cash entryClosed A record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors., click Edit on a cash entry detail or list page, at any time prior to posting, and then change the fields you want to update.

We do not recommend changing a default value if it is applicable to the line item that you want to add or edit.

Amending a Single Posted Cash Entry

You can amend a limited number of fields on a posted cash entry. To do this:

Lightning Edition

To amend the Cash Entry once it is posted:

  1. Click Amend Details on the Cash Entry page. The Amend Cash Entry Details window displays.
  2. [Optional] Make your changes to the Bank Account Dimension 1-4, Bank Charges GLA Dimension, Description and Reference fields and click Save. You can edit the line items fields once you close the window.

    The following line item fields are editable:

    • Account Reference
    • Account Dimension 1-4
  3. When you have finished editing the cash entry lines, click Save.

Amending Multiple Posted Cash Entries

To amend the details of multiple cash entries using Lightning:

  1. Click the Cash Entries tab.
  2. Select a predefined view from the drop-down list to select the records to display. Alternatively, you can select Create New View to define your own list view.
  3. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the cash entries that you want to amend. We recommend selecting no more than 200 cash entries.
  4. Click Amend. The window for amending cash entries displays. If this button is not available, contact your administrator, or see the Salesforce Help for more information about adding buttons to list views.
  5. Do one of the following for each field you want to amend:
    • To specify a new field value for the selected cash entries:
      Enter or select the field value you want. New field values overwrite the existing ones. If you leave the field blank, its values are not amended.
    • To clear a field's values from the selected cash entries:
      Select the checkbox under each non-mandatory field you want to clear. This sets the field's values on the selected cash entries to "None". When selecting a checkbox to clear field values, leave the related field blank. Selecting the drop-down value "None" manually does not clear field values on the selected cash entries.

      For more information on the fields, see Cash Entry Fields.
  6. Click Amend.
  • You cannot amend non-editable or mandatory fields.
  • You cannot use the checkbox value --None-- to amend field values.
  • Do not amend the Account field. It is automatically populated from cash entry line items. If you override this field, then other processes will fail.
  • When you have one current company selected in single-company mode, you do not need to specify a company when amending a cash entry for the currently selected company.
  • When you have more than one current company selected in multi-company mode, you can amend a cash entry for any of the selected companies. You do not need to change the current company.
  • Administrators can amend cash entries for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection.

The changes that you make are also automatically reflected in both the related transactionClosed A record created when documents are posted to the general ledger. Transactions must balance (sum to zero) in home, dual, and document currency. and the appropriate balances. The type of balances that are updated automatically depend on how your organization has been configured.

  • Description
  • Reference
  • Account Reference
  • Line Description
  • Dimensions 1–4
  • The ability to edit dimensions on a posted document is controlled by the Enable Edit Dimensions (after posting) field in the Accounting Settings custom setting. If you find you cannot edit dimensions on a posted document, contact your administrator.
  • If you edit a pre-existing dimension on a posted document, the new one must have the same currency as before, or be home, document or dual currency. If you add a new dimension to a posted document where one didn't exist previously, it must be in document, home or dual currency.
  • You cannot edit dimensions on a posted document if its period is closed. This validation is unaffected by the custom setting.
  • You can use the standard Salesforce tracking field history feature on the transaction line item custom object to track changes to these fields. See the Salesforce Help for more information. Remember to add the Transaction Line Item History related list to your page layout.

See Cash Entry Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a cash entry.