About Posting Cash Entries

You can post an "In Progress" cash entryClosed A record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors. by clicking Post on the cash entry detail page in both Classic and Lightning.

In Classic EditionClosed The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., the Save & Post button first saves the document then posts it in the same way as if you had clicked the Save and Post buttons separately.

When successful:

  • A transaction with two or more analysis line items is posted to your current company's general ledgerClosed Central repository for all your business transactions. Each transaction is posted to a general ledger account..
  • The amount in the Value field will be the amount posted to the bank analysis line.
  • The amount entered in the Bank Charge field will create a debit analysis line item to the designated general ledger account and a credit analysis line item to the bank account.
  • The amounts entered in the Line Charges column will each create a debit analysis line item to the designated general ledger account and a credit analysis line item to the bank account.
  • The amounts in the Cash Entry Value column will be the amounts posted to the account lines.

The cash entry is assigned a transaction number and the sum of these transaction line items is zero in document, home and dual currency. The posted cash entry is now "Complete" and can no longer be edited or discarded.

When you post an intercompany cash entry, the application also creates the appropriate intercompany transfer records. When this happens, a lookup to the related intercompany transfer is added to the corresponding transaction line items (and to the header where appropriate and the intercompany transfer is unique).

In Classic EditionClosed The view of the application that you see when you first install the base managed package., the Post & Match button does everything the Post button does but also initiates a cash matching session with the same account details preselected. This option is not available when posting a multiple cash entryClosed Cash entry with multiple account lines..

In Lightning:

  • To post and match a cash entry manually, click Post and Manual Match. This posts the cash entry and opens the Cash Matching page. For more information on how to match the cash entry, see Matching Cash.
  • To post and match a cash entry in the background, click Post and Background Match. This posts the cash entry and displays the Background Cash Matching window.

When you post a cash entry associated with a bank account and an account assigned only to local general ledger accounts, the cash entry is created using the local general ledger accounts. At transaction level, the information is reflected in the transaction line items through the mappings between the corporate GLAs and the local GLAs.

  • You can only post a cash entry if both the associated customer or vendor account and bank account have appropriate general ledger accounts associated with them. The customer or vendor account must also have an account trading currency.
  • Do not post any documents to a period that is being revalued. Wait for the whole currency revaluation process and all related batch jobs to complete before continuing to post documents.
  • You cannot post a cash entry if it does not have any lines.
  • If the number of cash entry lines exceeds the number set in the Post Cash Entry Lines Threshold field of the Accounting Settings custom setting, we recommend posting the cash entry first and then matching it manually.
  • [Lightning Experience Only] When you have more than one current company selected, you can post a cash entry for any of the currently selected companies. You do not need to change the current company. System Administrators can post cash entries for any of their user companies, regardless of their current company selection.

Posting Multiple Cash Entries

To post multiple cash entries immediately using Lightning:

  1. Click the Cash Entries tab.
  2. Select a predefined view from the drop-down list to select the records to display. Alternatively, you can select Create New View to define your own list view.
  3. Use the checkboxes on the left to select the cash entries that you want to post. To post multiple cash entries, they must belong to the same company.
  4. Click Post. The window for posting cash entries displays. If this button is not available, contact your administrator, or see the Salesforce Help for more information about adding buttons to list views.
  5. Check your selection and click Post. When the selected cash entries are posted, their status changes to "Complete".

Trigger-Posting Cash Entries using Datastream

The Trigger Posting feature enables you to automatically post a document either synchronously or asynchronously by updating its header using Datastream.

  • Read Trigger-Posting Documents for some very important preparation notes and prerequisites.
  • Before you use the Trigger Posting feature, we recommend enabling it in the Feature Console to automatically add the Trigger Posting and Trigger Posting Error fields to the related page layouts. If you use other page layouts, you must add these fields manually. For more information, see Enabling the Trigger Posting of Documents Feature.

To trigger-post documents using Datastream: